Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Grow Tip: Wipe Out Mites! - by Ben Horner


     Spider mite infestations continue to plague gardeners and growers across the United States. Winery owners, medical marijuana grow houses, farmers, organic growers, landscapers and hydroponic gardeners, spider mites consistently limit crop production and harvest productivity. As one of the most common agricultural pests, spider mite infestations are directly linked to lost crop, destroyed harvests, and last but not least lost profits due to massive invasions.

     When a infestation sets growers need a product like WipeOut that can aggressively destroy mites when other products fail. If you have webs then nothing organic will work like WipeOut, and its made in Michigan too!

     Understanding how to kill spider mites during their life cycle will help those growers and gardeners suffering from infestations to address the serious problem. For instance, gaining an understanding of the conditions in which spider mites thrive will help growers to recognize when theuse of organic products is necessary. Spider mite infestations are often recognized by the speckled yellowish marks that they leave in their path when feeding on plants cells.

     At the first sign of a spider mite invasion, these speckled yellow-white marks must be recognized immediately. If left alone, the infestations will quickly kill the plants cells entirely. Those slow to come across a spider mite infestation may be too late. The following chart of spider mites life cycle provides an excellent look into the importance of immediately addressing an invasion.

Cannibals of Freedom: Giving Thanks - by Daniel L. Price, Esq.

    It’s November already!  Hey, that reminds me, Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I really like the feasting and football on Thanksgiving Day.  Typically, most people celebrate this day as one of giving thanks for what they have, and for those who they share affection.  I will make a different celebration this year.  I am going to celebrate all of the freedoms we have here in Michigan, and across our great country.

     I sat down to list these freedoms so I could remember to give thanks for them, rather than my usual thanks for my health, my sons, and the work I’ve performed throughout the year.  So here is the list.  I have the freedom to: Make you a criminal if you don’t voluntarily (?! What ?!), let me take your property if someone else pays me, and wines and dines me enough.
     (Eminent domain is the magical phrase. Did you know this originated by the King’s ownership of all property in the kingdom, and it is the justification for its use here in America? So that means you do not “own” your property, I do!);

     Make you a criminal if I do not like what you do with your body, i.e., use marijuana – save yourself or your child from a life of pain – voluntarily sell your body for sex, - gamble – drink alcohol – eat too much (this is coming soon thanks to my successful takeover of your healthcare system), and much more;

     Make you a criminal for using your mind to generate income without me getting some of it, i.e., force you to ask permission, and pay me a fee to, – sell lemonade – open a business – keep your income and property, (subject to my superior claim of ownership of course) – use your home for a business – cut hair – sell a home – drive your vehicle – ferry people across the lake – sell hot dogs on a street corner – sell cookies and cupcakes over the internet – work for someone else – and much more;

     Make you a criminal if you don’t pay for – my kid’s schooling – my car – my food – my house – my alcohol – my boat – my farm – my trip to Vegas – my wedding – my parties – my desire to force servitude upon other peoples from other countries – my medical care – my airfare to Washington
D.C. – my desire to redecorate my office – my kid’s braces – my vacation to the Bahamas – my re-election campaign – and much, much more;

     Make you a criminal if you are not willing to kill others, or die or be maimed yourself so I can – get back at a world leader because he threatened my dad – prevent a world leader from switching his country’s money back to a gold standard, because that will cause me to no longer be able to hide the real theft I perform on you – enrich my friends and political campaign donors at certain corporations – make a name for myself as president as being tough – exercise racial bias against those from other countries – enrich my friends and campaign donors at certain banks – so that me and my friends can make millions cheating other countries out of their treasures like we do to you – and much, much more;

     Make you a criminal if you don’t pay me to – use roads – stay in a hotel – purchase food – purchase gas – buy a home or a car – buy a toy for your kid – clothe yourself and your family – get that computer and printer so you can have fun making silly pictures of your family – purchase that book for your kids so they can learn how to read – purchase toilet paper – drill a well so you can have water at your home – breath the air – go to the bathroom – have safe sex using a condom – go to see the Pistons, Lions, Tigers, or Red Wings play – eat a nice meal with your wife or your date – enjoy your life in any way – and much, much more.

     [Shakes his head out of the day dream.]  Oh shoot!  That’s right, I am not an elected official in our country.  I am just a guy.  Come to think of it, I guess I do not have much freedom for which to give thanks.  I guess this year I’ll just celebrate by giving thanks for my sons and the knowledge that they were taught all of the above.  You can bet I’ll be eating way too much, having a couple cocktails, and watching all of the football games though.
     If we as a people ever get tired of being forced to pay for parasites, perhaps it will end.  But, one thing is for sure, the above denial of your freedoms takes no action on your part.  You need only keep silent and do nothing while you are made a criminal, and keep voting for those who promise to give you some of the left over crumbs from the food and drink they stole from you in the first place.

As always, till next month, keep rolling on.

Disclaimer:  This is an informational article only. It is not to provide individual legal advice. If you need legal services, feel free to contact me, or any attorney of your choosing.

Hydro Depot Dominates Detroit as the Premier Indoor Gardening Store - by Ben Horner

   Like a boss, Hydro Depot dominates Detroit as the premier indoor gardening store. Located on Detroit’s infamous 8 mile Road, Hydro Depot made a roar on the strip with their inflatable King Kong, fitting for a store that is so huge, it has almost everything.

   Like a breath of fresh air in the rust belt Motor City, Medical marijuana has revived so much of the empty store fronts throughout the city. Hydro Depot sells the cultivation supply. Growers buy and sell there wears, contributing to the local economy.

     Dispensaries pay the producers, provide more jobs, take up more commercial vacancies and all be soon contributing significant state taxes. What a blessing these guys are doing.

There are many grow stores but few can fully supply both the small grower as well as full sized commercial outfits. No matter what your scale is, these guys have what you need. Everything is inside so you don’t have to worry about frozen soil that takes weeks to thaw.  Hydro Depot staff are all experts and don’t mind spending the time to educate visitors about the latest products and techniques.

     The MMM Report is honored to support stores like Hydro Depot and so should you. So go down to 8 mile, Hydro Depot is only minutes from I-75. Re-up on all your growing needs and spend some of that hard earned money at some of our other favorite dispensaries and strip clubs.

Free the Weed 68 - by John Sinclair

I started out last month to state my case against any form of police involvement in our world of cannabis and got sidetracked thinking about my own treatment by the narcotics police and the system that backs them up and completes their work, including prosecutors, courts, bondsmen, probation agents, treatment centers, jails, prisons, guards, wardens, parole officers, and back to the police—not to mention the law-makers, mass media and other cynical myth-makers who have made the War On Drugs possible for the past 80 years.

     This unholy alliance of wrong-doers comprises the worst elements in our society, since their criminality is wholly acceptable by society at large and goes entirely unpunished, unlike the negative activities of illegitimate criminals like armed robbers, murderers, rapists and other violent felons.

     The architects of the War On Drugs bogarted their way into our lives with the passage of the Harrison Tax Act of 1937 and have run roughshod over the lives of millions of smokers ever since. The War On Drugs has invested law enforcement with powers beyond belief that allow the narcotics police to terrorize and persecute us with total impunity, disrupt our lives, prevent us from securing gainful employment, put us in prison and make the lives of our families and loved ones utterly miserable.

     The forces of law and order continue to oppose marijuana legalization by every means at their disposal despite the public’s clearly stated intention to allow people reasonable access to the sacrament. In plebiscite after plebiscite Americans have voted on their own initiative at a rate of almost two to one to legalize, first, medical marijuana for registered patients, and now to legalize weed for recreational, spiritual and whatever other purposes citizens may have to use marijuana.

     The resistance to legalization by the so-called law enforcement community is at the same time reprehensible and simple to understand. The powers granted the narcotics police and the economic benefits that derive from these terrible powers are so great and so well-established in our society that they will have to be wrested from their hands and completely forbidden in the future.

     At this critical juncture in the development of our movement to free the weed once and for all, it will be a huge mistake to allow the police to continue to play any role whatsoever in the cannabis community. They must be forced out of the issue completely and fully stripped of their authority to interfere in our innocent activities as marijuana smokers and care-givers.

     But it won’t be easy, and official resistance is bound to take a diversity of pathways to maintaining dominance over cannabis culture and the cannabis community. This year the State of Michigan, from the phony governor and supported by the entire legislature, first manipulated the citizen initiative process to limit by law the signature-gathering process to 180 days in order to thwart the efforts of MILegalize to place their legalization proposal on the November 2016 ballot.

     Having stopped the citizens’ initiative short of its goal, the state legislature then enacted its own marijuana laws, on the one hand accepting dispensaries and medibles but on the other stripping current growers and care-givers of their future and constructing a byzantine plan to keep the growing and distribution of weed firmly under the control of the government.

     According to the Associated Press news service, “The main legislation would impose a new tax and establish a state licensing system to grow, process, sell, transport or test cannabis. Another measure would create a monitoring system to track cannabis from ‘seed to sale’ and flag excess purchases.

     “A state board would charge application and renewal fees to cover costs including substance abuse programs and law enforcement. The legislation allocates $8.5 million to implement the licensing and tracking systems; the money would come from a fund that is financed with fees that patients and caregivers must pay to get registry ID cards.

     “The money would be split as follows: 30 percent to the state; 30 percent to counties with a marijuana facility; 25 percent to cities or townships with a facility; 5 percent to the Michigan State Police; 5 percent to county sheriffs; and 5 percent for a law enforcement standards commission. The state’s share initially would go to the general fund [and then] would be deposited into a fund to cover workers’ compensation benefits for firefighters with certain types of cancer.”

     Veteran legalization activist, MILegalize Board member and founder of the Safer Michigan Coalition, Chuck Ream speculates that “The dispensary bills were assembled by former Sheriff [and now state legislator] Jones because the police were ‘crying out’ for ways to milk money and new
Activist Chuck Ream
power from the emerging [cannabis] industry. Now they will have new departments, inspectors, auditors, and police, really just to
maintain the black market and the criminalization of cannabis.”

     “We see costs added and fluffed up to the max for utterly unnecessary regulation that no other industry must bear. These purely ‘makework’ bureaucratic jobs pump money and power to the police. There are so many layers of regulation anyone could be destroyed if police wished to target and harass them. Any one of the sets of regulators could destroy any licensee. It is an obvious set up for robbery by the state. All police goals are accomplished.”

     “They keep the current system going,” Ream adds, “the game of huge black markets, arrests, jails, fines, racism, and forfeiture. They get a spiffy new giant complex system of rules to enforce which will generate even more violators who can then be ‘surveilled,’ arrested, and railroaded.

     “They get huge direct growth—employees, money, huge bureaucracy—all funded by sick people in a situation with no insurance coverage. These dispensary bills are designed for money, power—and failure. They are an epic example of legislative bad faith – a middle finger in the face of Michigan voters and patients.”

     Well, I couldn’t have said it better myself. And as Lindsay VanHulle points out in the Detroit Free Press, “A fully developed legal market for medical marijuana in Michigan could lead to millions of dollars in new state tax revenue. Exactly how much is open to interpretation, but some analysts’ estimates suggest it could top $63 million a year.”

     That’s a pretty big windfall for a bunch of politicians who have seen to the arrest and imprisonment of countless thousands of their fellow citizens for growing, distributing, selling and smoking marijuana until the very recent past. There’s no denying that it’s an improvement on the War On Drugs, but they’ve still got their snouts in the trough of marijuana money where they’ve got no right to root.

     One last note: my old friend Bill McGraw published a piece in a recent issue of the Detroit Free Press that reports on a study of urban disintegration in Detroit by UM professor (and Detroit native) Dr. Heather Ann Thompson, who concluded that the War On Drugs and its effects on the citizenry contributed disproportionately to the downfall of the Motor City from the mid-60s to the present. “We can never underestimate the negative impact of either deindustrialization nor white flight,” Dr. Thompson asserts, “But we have given short shrift to the punitive turn—the embrace of mass incarceration—had in destroying cities like Detroit.”

     Think about it. Haven’t we had enough of this shit by now?

October 23, 2016

© 2016 John Sinclair. All Rights Reserved.

World News for November 2016 - by Rachel Bunting

Cyprus Customs Cannabis RingCyprus: Four men were taken into custody for eight days in Limassol when police found three men in possession of 20kg of cannabis. A 32 year old man had recently been put under surveillance after officers received a tip that a large amount of drugs would be moved. The 32 year old was seen getting into a vehicle with another man and followed to the residence of a 26 year old. The men began moving boxes from the home into the vehicle when officers closed in. They found 3 boxes were found to carry a total of 20 individual bags of cannabis weighing one kilo each. Once arrested the men began pointing fingers at one another, each claiming to know nothing about the contents of the boxes. Two of the men are customs agents while the third is “good friends” with another customs agent. Investigators have reason to believe this could be a drug ring with more customs agents involved.

Fishin' for PotLibya: Four men from Syria were arrested last month off the coast of Libya by Egyptian naval forces. The men were found to have a large amount of marijuana on their fishing vessel. They were stopped on a routine coastline search, as an act to counter smuggling, which have been intensified in
the last few months. A laptop, satellite phone, and 1.6 tons of marijuana were confiscated when the men were taken into custody. The suspects have been detained to be questioned about the origin and destination of the illegal haul.

Window JumperDublin: A Chinese national who was arrested last year for growing marijuana in a Dublin city center apartment had his appeal dismissed last month. At the time of his arrest, Nianje He was found with 126 marijuana plants in various stages of growth. When officers first encountered him at his apartment, He threw himself out of the second story kitchen window to attempt avoiding arrest. He appealed the three and a half year sentence imposed on him by the court, but the Court of Appeals agreed with the initial ruling stating that his sentence was not excessive pertaining to the charges, though they did credit him six weeks off his current sentence. He began cultivating marijuana to pay his gambling debts and claimed he had no other options, but the court feels gambling debts was not an excuse.

Higher Unemployment Rates Lead to Increasing Illegal TradeGhana: The extremely high unemployment rate in the Kpalime traditional area has caused many of the youth to find work with the South Dayi district’s illegal drug trade. Torgbui Adaz Wiah Kwesi II, the acting Paramount Chief of Kpalime, has stated, “We have identified youth unemployment as one key social risk within the Kpalime traditional area. The risk is gradually developing into alarming proportions. There is the wild belief that South Dayi district is a major haven for marijuana cultivation in Ghana.” He complained that the lack of employment opportunities has left young adults with no other options to provide a livelihood. Kwesi brought up this issue while imploring the government for help. He asked the Ghana government to not only provide an alternate livelihood for youth, but also to develop a water supply system for the area as there has recently been a water shortage. According to Kwesi, the problems were “due to system failures and regulatory breaches by law enforcement agencies.” A government official has yet to comment on the problems in Kpalime.

Marijuana Shroud Used in Ancient Chinese Burial

China: Cannabis plants have been found at burial sites all over the world, but recently archaeologists in northwest China found a uniquely large stash of well-preserved marijuana plants complete with roots. It is also the first (discovered) incidence in this area where the plants were used as a “shroud”. Archaeologists found the remains of a man, approximately 35 years-old, with Caucasian features who was laid out on a wooden bed with thirteen cannabis plants placed across his chest. The burial
occurred between 2,400 to 2,800 years ago, according to radiocarbon dating and was one of 240 sites that were excavated at the cemetery in Turpan. All around the area there have been gravesites that contain cannabis in some form or another. One site dating back to first millennium B.C. had the plants with a woman who may have suffered from breast cancer. Another nearby site, discovered nearly 10 years ago, contained two pounds of seeds and powdered leaves. This, however, is the first time fully grown cannabis plants have been found. Researchers suspect the plants were locally grown and mostly harvested before being put the grave. They also believe the plants in the area were grown for their psychoactive resin to be used for medicinal or ritual purposes as the seeds were too small for consumption and no hemp textiles were discovered in the region.

"We Should Not Need to be Dying to Access Cannabis"New Zealand: A new petition to legalize medical marijuana was presented to Parliament last month. The petition was organized and presented by Rose Renton, the mother of a teen who recently passed away due to mysterious seizures. Rose began giving her son, Alex, cannabis oil illegally before he was approved for Sativex, the only medically approved cannabis treatment. While speaking to Parliament about the bill, Rose addressed issues many people suffering from chronic pain are dealing with stating, “We should not need to be dying to access affordable cannabis.” She spoke about her son, her experiences with law enforcement, and finally about how the slow, drawn out process to get cannabis oil and approval for its use did little to help ease her sons suffering. Her petition will be considered by a parliamentary select committee. Currently, there is a Members Bill in the ballot, put forth by Labour MP Damien O’ Connor, which would make medical marijuana more accessible.

National News for November 2016 - by Rachel Bunting

9 States Voting on MJ in November

North Dakota: The Compassionate Care Act will allow patients suffering from cancer, HIV, Hepatitis C, AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, PTSD, or any other debilitating illness similar to those mentioned to receive their medical marijuana card. The measure would require the Department ofHealth to administer registry identification cards to qualifying patients, as well as licensing nonprofit compassion centers. The compassion centers will be able to cultivate a limited number of plants to distribute to registered patients. If a patient lives more than 40 miles from a center, they may grow up to eight plants in a locked area, so long as it is not within 1000 feet of a public school. Patients and caregivers are permitted to possess up to three ounces of marijuana during a 14-day period.  

Montana: Proposal I-182 came about because many residents in the state are unhappy with the 2011 medical marijuana law, which is failing to meet patient’s needs. The new initiative would require providers to obtain licenses as well as receiving unannounced yearly inspections of their crops. Providers would also be allowed to care for more than three patients. Product testing to ensure safe, consistent dosages would be permitted. Veterans and those suffering from PTSD would finally be able to be treated with the medication. Licensing fees would be applied to administer the program.

Florida: Amendment 2 on Florida’s ballot could lead to medical marijuana legalization in the state. The Health Department would be required to regulate the medial marijuana treatment centers. The treatment centers would be responsible for cultivating and dispensing cannabis to patients that have qualified patients. Individuals with debilitating illnesses such as cancer, epilepsy, HIV, glaucoma, AIDS, PTSD, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, MS, or any other ailment of the same class or comparable to those mentioned would qualify for the card.

Arkansas: Two ballot proposals to legalize medical marijuana will be on the Arkansas ballot this year. Both measures allow patients with specific medical conditions to buy marijuana from dispensaries, but have different ideas for regulation and restrictions. Issue 6 on the ballot would establish a system for growing, transporting, and distributing the medication. The Department of Health would create rules related to medical access of marijuana, while the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission would establish rules concerning growing and selling the marijuana. It creates a Medical Marijuana Commission, which would be in charge of administering and regulating the licensing of cultivation and dispensing centers. State and local taxes would be applied to the sale of medical marijuana and used to enforce the created law as well as being dispersed to state workforce and education programs. Much of Issue 7 is the same as Issue 6, it would create a system for growing, obtaining, and distributing marijuana. The main difference between Issue 6 and Issue 7 is allowing patients who live more than 20 miles from a dispensary the right to grow their own medication. Issue 7 would also imposed state and local taxes to the sale of cannabis and would go to the Department of Health, which would be required to set up a system for helping low-income people afford the drug.

UPDATE: Two weeks before the election is to take place the Arkansas Supreme Court has disqualified Issue 7 from the state ballot. The ruling came as the result of a lawsuit filed on behalf of proposal 6 supporters, who were attempting to push out a competing initiative. Justices voted 5-2 in favor of throwing out more than 12,000, signatures leaving the proposal nearly 2,500 signatures short. This comes after 142,000 Arkansas voters have entered a ballot through early voting. The two dissenting judges wrote that they believed there were more than enough signatures left to qualify for the ballot and to let the voters decide. Keith Stroup, member of NORML Legal Counsel, has stated he believes Kara and Patrick Benca, the lawyers that filed the suit, are “certainly are arrogant individuals, deciding for the rest of the state what is best for them.” They have caused the better of the two initiatives to be disqualified.

Arizona: Residents of Arizona will have the opportunity to vote on Prop 205 this fall, which will allow adults 21 and older the ability to possess, buy, and grow up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. It will also set up a system of retail shops, which will be monitored and licensed by the Department of Marijuana Licenses and Control. The 15 percent tax imposed on the sale of marijuana will be deposited in a Marijuana Fund and will be distributed to the Department of Revenue, localities where marijuana businesses are present, and the Arizona Department of Health. A recent poll has shown 43 percent of voters approve of the initiative while 47 percent are opposed with 10 percent undecided.

California: Proposition 64 would legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older. Taxes would be levied on cultivation and retail. The revenue received will be spent on drug research, treatment, and enforcement, as well as health and safety grants. Possession of up to 28.5 grams of flower and 8 grams of concentrates would become legal in the state. The state and local governments will issue separate business licenses, which are both required to operate a legal facility. All aspects of the businesses will be regulated by the Bureau of Marijuana Control. 

Massachusetts: The 4th question on the November ballot for Massachusetts would legalize the use, cultivation, possession, and distribution of marijuana for individuals 21 or older. It would also permit marijuana concentrates and edibles. The government would control licensing and regulation as well as taxing commercial sale of marijuana and marijuana products.

Nevada: Question 2 on the Nevada November ballot would allow adults 21 and older to carry, consume, and grow recreational marijuana. The 15 percent tax outlined in the question would be used to enforce the new laws and given to schools. Marijuana businesses would be authorized by the Nevada Department of Taxation, and the number of retail stores in each county would be determined by the population.

Maine: Legalization in Maine would come from votes supporting question 1 on the state’s November ballot. The initiative would allow adults over the age of 21 to possess, grow, and use marijuana in limited amounts. It would also create a tightly regulated system of licensed stores, cultivation areas, and testing facilities. The proposal will make rules dictating production, testing, transport, and sales of cultivated plants. Each town and city will have the right to ban marijuana businesses from their area. There will be a 10 percent tax on all non-medical marijuana sales, which will be used to implement and enforce the regulations. All unused funds will go to the legislature and used “to benefit the citizens of Maine”. 

Michigan News for November 2016 - by Rachel Bunting

Jason Boyce
Man Stabbed in Illegal Grow WarehouseDetroit: Police are asking for help from the public to capture Jason Boyce. Boyce is suspected in the stabbing of a 55 year old man. The man was found late last month, stabbed multiple times, and transported to Detroit Medical Center’s Receiving Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The warehouse where the victim was found housed a large illegal marijuana grow operation. Officials could not speculate whether the plants were related to the murder. Detroit police ask anyone with information on the crime or the whereabouts of Boyce to contact the homicide unit.

Man Found Beaten to Death, Plants StolenGratiot County: John M. Erskin was found dead early last month after his nephew, who hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days, decided to check on him. According to the autopsy, Erskin’s death was caused by blunt force trauma to the head from numerous blows with a blunt object. Surveillance cameras and alarms positioned around the victim’s legal grow operation were either broken or missing, as were all of his medical plants. The crime happened on Lumberjack Rd in Riverdale and police are asking for any tips to help the case.

Community Legalizes Small Amounts of MarijuanaEast Lansing: A recently passed ordinance in East Lansing allows adults over the age of 21 to possess and use up to an ounce of marijuana on private property. The ordinance also charges those under the age of 21 with a $25 fine and community service if caught with the flower. Police still have
the opportunity to arrest and seek criminal charges on non-card holders under state law. Lt. Scott Wriggelsworth of the East Lansing Police says most people using or possessing the drug will not be arrested unless they are known to be a drug dealer. Residents may also possess up to an ounce of marijuana in public but will receive a ticket if they try to smoke in public. The state still has the power to make a declaratory action against the city, voiding the ordinance.

Waxy ThiefRoscommon: Two men in Roscommon were pulled over on a routine traffic stop, when officers found a potent form of marijuana in the vehicle. When asked about the wax found with them, one of the men confessed to have gotten it from his home. State Troopers got a search warrant for that home and found an abundance of drugs, along with various pieces of stolen property. Police believe the stolen property may be linked to several recent break-ins in Denton Township.

Stolen MarijuanaLaGrange County: A Michigan man was vacationing in Indiana last month when he noticed his hotel room had been broken into. J. Johnson returned to his room to find his marijuana missing and immediately called the police to report the incident. Johnson explained to police that upon returning
to his room he noticed about 3.5 grams of marijuana gone. Officers search the “immediate area” but were unable to find the drugs. There were no arrests made.

Follow the Rules or Get BustedLivingston County: Two of the four men charged with being involved in a large grow operation have entered in a plea this month. The men were charged after a 15-month undercover operation concluded they were manufacturing marijuana for illegal sales under the guise of following the MMMA. Officers seized a total of 545 plants, 15 pounds of marijuana, and 7 pounds of dried flower, as well as nearly $195,000 in cash. While two of the men entered a guilty plea of possession with intent to deliver, two of their co-defendants have yet to enter a plea. The sentencing hearing for those men will be in early November.

Governor Snyder Signs PackageLansing: Late last month Gov. Rick Snyder signed the three-bill package to clarify the medical marijuana act in the state. The new system will give local governments the right to regulate the number and location of marijuana dispensaries in their area. It also gives them the authority to allow marijuana infused products, such as balms or lotions, while having them create a seed-to-sale tracking structure. The biggest perk to the package is the idea of legally allowing dispensaries, as MMM Report last month, the new bills will put a new 3% tax on the “gross retail income” of every provision center, as well as requiring all dispensaries, growers, and transporters to apply for an annually renewed state license to stay in business. They were not outlined or mentioned in the original law. Edibles are also a new feature with the bills, since straight smokable marijuana was the only approved method of use in the MMMA, but the newly approved medibles will require a THC limit. As mentioned in the

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

V.G.I.P. UPDATE: Can Michigan Legalize in 2018? - by Ben Horner

     MI Legalize has announced plans to prepare for a new petition drive for 2018, which aims to start collecting fresh signatures next spring.  This comes as no surprise after the strong effort in 2015 and 2016, and challenges to the rulings against their first petition in state and federal court, subsequent falling short of the state’s 180-day rule. According to MI Legalize website the first goal of raising one hundred thousand dollars for the new petition is almost complete. MI Legalize board member Debra Young took a moment to update us in an exclusive MMM Report interview.