Friday, July 27, 2012

Adam Brook Story

BOY WAS I SCHOCKED to see that Former Police Chief BILL DWYER has come out against the WAR ON DRUGS.   My late father was friendly with “the chief” and used to argue with me saying “if intelligent men like the chief are against the legalization of pot, so am I!!!!”  Now the let down in the realization that “the chief” had come to the dark side for me was that I can’t share it with my father, who NEVER agreed with my politics.  The Chief was quoted as saying “I think you will see in the very near future marijuana legalized here, as it has been in other states” and “I always believed it was a gateway drug to other drugs.  I’m not sure that it is anymore”.  Now to me this is a HUGE kick in the nuts.  He thought it was a gateway drug?  Where did he get that crap from?  I bet he thinks/thought marijuana kills brain cells, REEFER MADNESS crap!!!!  If there is a War on Drugs, then those types of thoughts should be considered war crimes.  As you know if you repeat a lie long enough it will be thought of as truth.  The chief was considered a General in the War on Drugs.  He was considered a local WOD hero.  Now that he has wised up, do his former supporters consider him a ZERO?  I consider him a traitor.  I am sure now that he has left public service he feels comfortable about coming out against the War on Drugs.  I have yet to hear him repent for ALL those people whose lives he ruined by arresting them and sending them to prison?????  FUCK YOU CHIEF!!!!  Personally I think ALL law enforcement officers (all ranks) should be tested every 20-30 days.  If they test positive they should be fired.  YES! Fired. Hypocrisy really PISSES me off and I have decided I will no longer allow it to be part of my life.  I will even admit that I had a good friend for many years (he actually kept me from doing something REALLY REALLY stupid during my break up with my first wife) who was a retired officer and it always bothered me that at one point in his life he was destroying people’s lives by arresting them on drug charges.  He is a stand up guy and while his past really bothered me I have to say I do like him, plus he has since more than made up for his past in my eyes.  Unfortunately Chief Dwyer will probably be getting paid when he gives speeches about how he has come out against the War on Drugs.  Stay tuned, I’ll find out how much he charges.

     I wanted to take up some space this month with a little bit of congratulations to Tim Beck for his win over the City of Detroit.  Only a broke ass city like Detroit would fight as hard as they did against a ballot proposal brought to them by one of its own residents.  I lived in Detroit for many years and my family was in business in Detroit for over 80 years.  All I can say is I am happy I left before this bankrupt steel company owner took over as mayor.  I am looking forward to seeing the proposal pass and the city once again looking like fools for wasting the people money on stupidity.

I also have to applaud Brad Forrester for his letter to the editor of the Lansing State Journal.  As I have stated in this column in the past, those of us who actually use marijuana should be the ones making comment about its effects.

Also kudos go out to the Lansing City Attorney and the Lansing Police Department for saying that “selling pipes and bongs, while undesirable to some, doesn’t violate drug paraphernalia laws because they can be used for legal purposes.”  Brig Smith, the city attorney, was quoted as saying “we see no way to prosecute, as there will almost always be a legally permissible use (e.g. tobacco, medical marijuana) which would prevent successful prosecution.”  I am happy to see that the city attorney gets that medical marijuana is a part of Michigan law, which makes just about ALL smoking devices legal………
Check out out website.


Vote Green Initiative Project

Ben Horner

I am pleased to confirm that the Committee for a Safer Flint pushed hard and has completed the task of collecting the need signatures to place a dicrim amendment to the City of Flint Charter. The city clerk has confirmed signatures and we are about to discuss the ballot language.  This amendment exempts adults over the age of 19 for position of less then an ounce of marijuana in the city of Flint.  Baring any complications, Flint will join Detroit and the sister motor cities can once again craft a new industry of innovation and prosperity.

Last month the VGIP folks met with the Republican Genesee Senator, David Robertson. The lobbying effort started with discussing the bill in the Michigan Senate that aims to remove glaucoma from the list of qualifying conditions. We explained that the very first federal patient was qualified for glaucoma and that marijuana has a proven track record of helping these patients. He didn’t care and was committed to removing medical marijuana from home cultivation and thought Michiganders would be best served by placing marijuana in the hands of the “professionals.”

He also warned that this was the general consensus of the Michigan House and Senate to remove access to the medical marijuana program based on the theory that Michigan Voters were being tricked into legalizing marijuana.  Senator Robertson also stated that he was impressed with the lobbying efforts put forth by the White Pine Mines and the Subterra Group. “These medicines need to be highly regulated to be effective,” insisted Senator Robertson. “I think people are just going to have to except that the free-for-all is over.”

I am looking forward to the upcoming meeting this month and at the Ann Arbor Conference in August.  We have a free Jazz, Blues Funk Concert at Kearsley Park in Flint. John Sinclair will be back for our August events and he has promised to help the cause one last time as the local campaigns to reduce or remove the penalties for marijuana possession.

The lawmakers in Lansing are on the fence. Tell them not to change the MMMA and to embrace marijuana law reform. The November elections are really going to be very important.

Come out to one of our meeting, get a tee shirt, and make a difference.

Meeting with lawmakers
August 21st& 22nd
We need patient testimonies to make a good impression.
Call 810-820-8953 to reserve your seat, space is limited)

Connoisseur Consulting
9046 North Dort Hwy.
Mount Morris, MI 48458
August 2nd, 7-9pm (political workshop/fundraiser for Eric Gunnels)

Blues, Jazz and Funk Concert
Kearsley Park
·         1700 Kearsley Park Blvd
Flint Michigan
August 11th3pm-9pm (Flint Promotion with John Sinclair and Friends)

Michigan Medical Marijuana Conference
Clarion Hotel and Conference Center
2900 Jackson ave - Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 17,18,19

Check out out website.


MMMP Registry, Ken Beyer and the MX Card by Ben Horner

When Allegan County Sheriff’s department arrived at eleven in the evening on a quiet July night, Ken Beyer was startled from his work.  He was informed that the officerswere investigating complaints regarding marijuana odorspermeating from Ken’s house. The officers had no warrant and Ken knew that he didn’t have to let them in, but Ken was curious.

See, Ken is the owner of Michigan Testing Authority (MTA), which is a cutting edge medical marijuana testing company, and at the time of the unannounced visit he was knee deep in testing. Coincidentally he was in the process of pioneering a new Medical Certification ID Card, (MX card) to replace the state issued Michigan Medical Marihuana Program ID card. This card focuses on certification forms signed by the Doctor approving patients to the program and a legal affirmative defense, given new grounds by the Supreme Court cases, Kolanek and King.   

Ken invited the officers in. They asked him if he was a grower. Ken explained the testing that he doing and the Wayne State study that his data was being used in. Info from the Znos testing machine is given to Dave Peters, who is the lead researcher on the study. That’s when the officer asked Ken for his medical marijuana card.

Mr. Beyers handed them his new MX card and chuckled as they examined the card. On the MX card was Kens’s picture, address, and a statement from a physician stating his approval to the medical marijuana program in Michigan. After they had scratched their heads toponder over his new card, Ken found his paperwork application and doctorattestation and handed it over to the officers. This document was familiar to them and they quickly acknowledged that Ken was in fact a legal MMJ patient. Ken later admitted that the situation made him nervous.

Michel Komorn from Komorn law, likes the idea. He explains, “These cards can help protect the privacy of patients while at the same time it reinforces the bonafide-patient relationship. This card system will encourage standardization of medical marijuana practice by promoting follow-up care. The data collect will help the doctors better advice their patients to use medicine in appropriate applications. The medical efficacy is the key to using a medical marijuana defense in court as well treating the patients for their specific condition”

As patients become increasingly more concerned about there person medical information being kept private these new cards may be the answer.  Some legislation being considered in Lansing seeks to provide law enforcement with access the state MMMP registry. By privatizing the ID cards will patients be safer? Will this be the end of the state registry program? Only the future can tell for sure. 

Check out out website.