CS: For starters, if you can, fill us in on the outlook for HB4271 in the Senate. We’re currently waiting for a vote, which did not happen as Sen. Richardville expressed would indeed happen. Do you anticipate a lame duck session?
Rep Callton: I think that HB 4271 could be run in the lame duck session. Presently we are working with concerns with the Governor’s office, the State Police and the Attorney General.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
It’s Just a Lame Duck - by Ben Horner
For over two years the medical marijuana community has been working on legislation to regulate marijuana dispensaries. The main bill is HB 4271, started as the “Local Option Bill” and is now called the “Provisioning Center Bill.” In order to solve the issues related to edibles and concentrates, another bill (HB 5104) has been virtually tied to the dispensary bill; although some believed these bills would be passed into law in the first half of the year, it is obvious that this belief is false.
Monday, September 8, 2014
FRACKING IN MICHIGAN? - by Rick Weller, Founder of Organically Done Plant Products
I want to discuss what’s currently going on in Michigan relative to hydraulic fracturing or, what is more commonly known as fracking. Why is a guy who owns an organic fertilizer company talking about the oil industry? Well, I do have some past experience in the industry and I believe that there is a significant environmental risk involved in this process. I’ll go back to organic growing issues next time.
Outside Thoughts - by Adam Brook
WOW...As I write this the National Guard is being called into Ferguson.......
Happy I am safe here in Oakland County, MI.
As many of you have heard, we saw flooding in this area that was unprecedented. So why would I bring it up? A two reasons...#1 SAFTEY – If you have a grow, have all your electrical done by a licensed electrician. My buddy called me all excited because his leak alarm went off, he went into his grow to find water on the floor. However his water was coming up from the drain not out of his hydro set up....The first thing he did was go to his in room circuit breaker and kill the power to the room...He was able to get his plants upstairs before they were impacted. Then he described a mad dash to unhook lights and ballasts and get them upstairs as the water kept rising.......Why was my buddy excited? I had suggested to him that he have my buddy do his electrical. As a master electrician he does everything to code. So one push of a button and the grow room with 2 inches of water on the floor was not an electrical hazard.....#2 There will be a shortage of weed in this area with all the crops that were lost. If you have a mother plant, CLONES CLONES CLONES.......
When Stoners Congregate - by Citizen Jay
On any given day in any given city you can find tokers together doing their thing. Cannabis has many benefits; one of these is the power to bring people together. Where cannabis is forbidden, those who enjoy its benefits do so clandestinely—in the shadows. But they still do it together. Friends listening to music on a sunny afternoon. Brothers fishing together on the creek. Patients meet to discuss their ailments and treatments. It’s a natural thing.
Well, after 47 years, maybe they write articles.
Huge numbers of Americans began smoking pot in the late 1960’s. Despite plenty of reputable previous evidence to the contrary, the US government was still certain there was something bad about marijuana. They were eager to fund long term (longitudinal) research on very heavy users.
In Jamaica there was a population of long term high volume “ganja” smokers who fit the bill. During the early 70’s the National Institute of Mental Health commissioned the “Jamaica Study” to compare mostly Rastafarian (religious) puffers with non-potheads.
Asymmetry: is it normal for my plant to lose it's symmetry? - by Drew Dorr, Geneticist, Pure Michigan Genetics, LLC
Most of the time, when you plant seeds or grow from seeds the plants will have 100% of their genetic abilities. Usually, it will grow 100% asymmetrical with real distinctive characteristics on their leaves and stems, along with (usually) a higher yield and a better overall product as far as resin or turpine amounts. The older the plant gets, typically the less likely this asymmetry is going to keep happening.
Pheno Selection - by Drew Dorr, Geneticist, Pure Michigan Genetics, LLC
When creating your own strain from seed, you always want to make sure you choose the mother and father plants that have the dominant recessive traits you are looking for. What this means is, just like in people, plants pass along certain traits as well. If a father has red hair and real pale skin and the mother is blonde with pale skin, chances are the kid is going to be blonde or redhead with pale skin. If pale skin is what you are going for in a child then I suppose you would try to find a partner that has pale skin as well.
This is the same in plants.
Free The Weed 42 - by John Sinclair
Highest greetings from Amsterdam for the last time this summer. I’ll be spending a month in London to serve as a judge for the Dopefiend Cup at an undisclosed location at the end of August and play a concert in the Speigeltent at Canary Wharf in mid-September with a great British jazz ensemble called The Founder Effect.
Hell No! Bill Schuette’s Got To Go! - by Ben Horner
Mark Totten, the challenger to the incumbent Michigan Attorney General, is currently behind in the polls leading up to this November’s midterm election. Michigan’s current Attorney General, Bill Schuette, is despised by more then just medical marijuana patients. He has pissed off almost every group, besides the right wing neocons and the Christian base. It comes to no surprise that the current attorney general has come out again, against the local petition drives to remove penalties for basic possession of marijuana. Regardless, most of the petitions are going directly on the ballot regardless of the reservations from the current administration. The question is, can Mark Totten dethrone Billy “Bong” Schuette this November?
Ask Dr. Beth - with Dr. Beth Fisher
Dear Dr. Beth:
I have been growing for four years specifically for myself and another patient. I hurt my back a few months ago and my neighbor has been helping me carry water, soil, and other heavy jobs. Now he has approached me about becoming partners. He will do the heavy lifting and routine work for this grow and the next while my back heals. We would split the grow 60/40 (I would get the 60 percent.) What do you think?
Healing Grower
Dear Healing:
I would really take time when making this decision. While the thought of getting help sounds wonderful, the negative side is that you could get ripped off for all of your grow and possibly worse. To add salt to your wounds, you may not be able to file a police report, so you could be out equipment, medicine, and revenue. Before you consider ask yourself these questions:
CBD-Only Legislation in the U.S. - by Chelsea Shaker
There has been an influx of legislation in the United States regarding high-CBD ONLY legislation for consideration for medical marijuana bills. Beginning in the state of Utah in March of this year, twelve states have medical marijuana laws on the books that restrict the use of medical marijuana to high-CBD strains only, with an almost impossible ratio of low THC:CBD for providers to maintain.