Hot on the festival scene this summer is “Oh Brother, Big Sister”. There have been multiple times at the festivals this year that this festi-villian has been caught up in a moment and stopped to groove to these guys. A duo of siblings Penny and Radel Rosin, Oh Brother Big Sister create beautiful music with their natural talent and love they share for each other. This group is a true tribute to sibling-ship and what a beautiful thing it can be when a talented family joins together to make music. Their catchy covers and ingenious harmonies are great no matter how you hear them, but their energy together is something truly magical to see live.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Smokerstitioins - by Marijuana Jones
Halloween is right around the corner, so this month’s article will focus on some of the creepier superstitions and legends surrounding cannabis culture worldwide. Like any superstition, sometimes there is a logical origin for the belief, and some are completely absurd. Some of these stories were likely made up by some toker fresh off the dank, yet these stories still end up getting passed around like joints at a Cyprus Hill show. These legends tend to circulate and transcend generations until the true origin of the custom becomes lost to myth. A good example of this is the ubiquitous number 420 that surrounds our culture. While there are several stories as to how this number became a thing, some claim it is the police code for possession, while others conjecture that the code originated as a time where students would meet to smoke after school. Some say that 4:20 is tea time in Holland, others say that there are 420 active chemicals in marijuana. Whatever the actual truth is, we may never know, but anyway, please enjoy these Halloween smokerstitions.
STOP THE RAIDS! - by Hemptress Jolene
Emmet County Michigan: Protesters in Emmet County gathered twice this last month outside the County’s main building on Division Street in downtown Petoskey. The group was there demonstrating to protest the county’s continued use of the local narcotics team, SANE, on cardholding medical patients and caregivers. SANE is the Straights Area Narcotics Enforcement team, a multi-jurisdictional task force that investigates criminal and drug activity in Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Emmet, Luce, Mackinac, and Ostego counties. The group opposed to SANE’s raids first gathered on September 3rd, 2015 and then again on September 17th. They cited their main goal being to end the use of SANE raids in their county. The group hopes also that the county wide dispensary moratorium will be lifted. James Dyer, a group representative and resident of Cross Village explained, “Criminals are still people too and nonviolent cannabis users do NOT deserve to have their doors kicked down for growing medicine, especially if they have their cards and are part of the medical marihuana program here in Michigan.”
Taxes? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Taxes! - by Daniel L. Price, Esq.
It is here again…the political season. There are a number of proposals for which various groups are attempting to obtain signatures in order to have a vote for the legalization of marijuana in Michigan. I do not know, nor do I have any connection with, any of these groups or their proposals. However, since these proposals are about marijuana, and this is an article about marijuana and the law, I thought I might make this month’s article about the legalization of marijuana.
ROOM 111 - by Adam Brook
Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about
Well the names have all changed since you hung around
But those dreams have remained and they’ve turned around
Who’d have thought they’d lead ya
Back here where we need ya
Yeah we tease him a lot cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back
...Thank you John Sebastian, and THANK YOU to Ben Horner for inviting me back to write a monthly for the MMM Report.
Well the names have all changed since you hung around
But those dreams have remained and they’ve turned around
Who’d have thought they’d lead ya
Back here where we need ya
Yeah we tease him a lot cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back
...Thank you John Sebastian, and THANK YOU to Ben Horner for inviting me back to write a monthly for the MMM Report.
Plantain - by Rebecca Veenstra
I was watching a lawn company service the neighbor’s yard the other day and I started thinking about all the plants in the so called “lawn”. That got me to remembering a funny story I heard once from an old timer about his neighbor. Apparently the man’s neighbor had been neglecting to cut his grass and the city was sending him citations.
GMOnsters! Genetically Modified Cannabis - by Citizen Jay
I’m usually the one who hits the grocery store in my household. It’s fun, I’ve got the time, I like to cook and eat, and I’ve developed fairly decent shopping habits over the years. My late brother-in-law once told me that if you were having trouble deciding how to spend your hard earned pay, invest in the food you eat. It may seem simple, but given the choice between buying quality food for your family and spending on other things, like for example a monthly family gym membership, choose the food. It goes far beyond, “you are what you eat” to what you eat can really affect the way you feel—in every way: mentally, physically, and spiritually. So make those choices well. [And drink plenty of water.]
The 10th Michigan Medical Marijuana Conference
For years now the MMM Report has been doing these events. The purpose is to bring people into the MMJ world, help them learn how to grow, teach them about the currant laws, and celebrate all things cannabis.
Free the Weed 55 - by John Sinclair
Highest greetings from the northeast side of Detroit, where I’m visiting with my daughter Sunny and granddaughter Beyonce and waiting right now to schedule a required foot operation that promises to restore much of my personal mobility that’s been shackled for most of the present year by a diabetic wound on my left foot that has refused to heal.
U.P. Provision Center Gives Back to the Community
DAGGETT, MICHIGAN: What kind of impact can a provisioning center do to a community? Well to the village of Daggett, MI (pop. 248), which is listed as one of the 10 poorest communities in Michigan, (with an average income of just over $9,900 a year) Clover-Land has made quite a positive impact. Now instead of being a pass through eye-blink, Daggett has become a destination for hundreds of MMJ cardholders each month.
Gaylord Update: New Ordinance Headed to City Council - by Hemptress Jolene
Gaylord, Michigan: Since the raids in Gaylord in March, Alan Witt and his friends have been busy. First figuring out how to fight their charges and then figuring out how to protect their business. “The raids were eye opening for everyone here is Gaylord.” said a survivor who wished not to be named. The group decided to collaborate with Ben Horner. Together, the group wrote an ordinance to define provisioning centers within the city limits of Gaylord. The ordinance defines a provisioning centers as places where 25% of the premise is being used for medical marihuana cultivation. The centers are allowed to have up to three caregivers cultivating together, and are allowed to dispense cannabis to qualified patients. This ordinance would give them some guidelines under which to operate, a definition and approval of the public. To make this ordinance a reality, volunteers began collecting signatures.
VGIP UPDATE: Working in Lansing and Gaylord - by Ben Horner
In Gaylord, dispensary owners and I met with the mayor and city attorney to discuss the proposed zoning ordinance. The meeting was both frank and productive. An understanding was established that the proposed ordinance was to be sent to planning, and a public hearing on the matter would happen soon. Chad Marrow and Al Witt are the two men most responsible for this progress in the city of Gaylord. Al, Chad, Vivian, and Frank are standing up for their patients and caregivers by resisting the county prosecutor and educating their community leaders.
GROW TIP: Protecting Your Grow from Future Raids - by Ben Horner
What is worse then mites and powdery mildew? Law enforcement, legislators, lobbyists and investors want to take away your right grow and transfer cannabis. Michigan Growers, its time to expand your growing skills outside of the garden. Ever since medical marijuana has been enacted into law, more and more people have become cannabis growers. Hundreds of grow stores have opened in Michigan over the last 5 years to sell us lights, nutrients and other supplies for our grows.

World News for October 2015 - by Rachel Bunting
Testing the Benefits of Marijuana Without the Illegality of Growing
GERMANY: Scientists around the world acknowledge that there is something medicinally beneficial about the cannabis plant, but continue to scratch their heads as to what in the plant cures which ailment. While several studies have shown cannabinoids in marijuana can be effective at treating ailments such as seizures, scientists and physicians say that without knowing which chemical specifically works, they are essentially prescribing a drug cocktail knowing at least one will work. But researchers in Germany may have unlocked the key to studying marijuana and its properties. The researchers found that they can use genetically modified yeast to generate the chemicals found in marijuana, including THC. This could potentially give scientists the ability to produce and individually test over 80 of the drugs chemicals.
GERMANY: Scientists around the world acknowledge that there is something medicinally beneficial about the cannabis plant, but continue to scratch their heads as to what in the plant cures which ailment. While several studies have shown cannabinoids in marijuana can be effective at treating ailments such as seizures, scientists and physicians say that without knowing which chemical specifically works, they are essentially prescribing a drug cocktail knowing at least one will work. But researchers in Germany may have unlocked the key to studying marijuana and its properties. The researchers found that they can use genetically modified yeast to generate the chemicals found in marijuana, including THC. This could potentially give scientists the ability to produce and individually test over 80 of the drugs chemicals.
National News for October 2015 - by Rachel Bunting
“It’s like Putting Blood in the Water for Sharks”
MARYLAND: Medical marijuana has been made legal in Maryland, but the state has left it up to the counties to set their own regulations on growing and selling operations. According to ABC2 News, executive Steve Schuh of Anne Arundel County seems to have already made up his mind about what will be happening in his county stating: “I believe Maryland law is a Trojan horse that introduces the recreational use of marijuana on a wide scale basis to this county if we were to adopt a permissive approach to medical marijuana.”
MARYLAND: Medical marijuana has been made legal in Maryland, but the state has left it up to the counties to set their own regulations on growing and selling operations. According to ABC2 News, executive Steve Schuh of Anne Arundel County seems to have already made up his mind about what will be happening in his county stating: “I believe Maryland law is a Trojan horse that introduces the recreational use of marijuana on a wide scale basis to this county if we were to adopt a permissive approach to medical marijuana.”
Michigan News for October 2015 - by Rachel Bunting

LANSING: On Thursday September 17th, Representative Jeff Irwin introduced legislation that, if approved and passed, would legalize and tax the private use of marijuana for adults 21 and older. The Marijuana Legalization and Regulation Act (HB 4877) would allow residents of the state to grow a limited number of plants for personal use, but would restrict sales to licensed dispensaries only. It would, however, allow adults to transfer one ounce or less between themselves so long as no money is exchanged.
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