Following November, I gave specific examples. December’s fictional article explained how fraud and force is used to take one’s freedom to choose. January outlined how we must always be on guard against con-artists who while advocating freedom, grovel at the feet of their masters. February showed how law enforcement harms us by committing fraud and perjury to generate revenue and make good people who harm none into criminals. March showed how a drug case with no victim is treated more severely than a stalking/assault/property destruction case. Finally, April showed the actual theft from, and murder of, citizens by law enforcement, which is legal under laws designed to take freedom.

Interestingly, Brian F. Burke, unable to understand, decided to directly speak to me on the MMMReport blog spot in response to March’s article. I do not know Burke.
Still, Burke’s comments were on behalf of the stalker, in State v. Lisa Blanchard, case number HU-17-075942-SM, and the accompanying PPO cases, numbers 17-86677-PP and 18-87586-PP, all of which are in Ottawa County, and open to the public to view. Burke claimed knowledge of facts, and that I lied, among other things.

Burke apparently believed everything Blanchard told him about the case, which you can bet was partial facts and outright lies. Burke never bothered to look at the court documents. Burke also failed to state, or even bother to know, that Blanchard harassed me with 1,500-2,000 texts per month for several months, among many, many other acts that lead to the PPO against her, and her pleading guilty of a crime. How does this show PASY?
Parasitic means parasite. A parasite can be mooch, steal, or one who attempts to take pride from the actions of others, or who lives through the minds of others. Burke, disregarding truth, claimed to know the facts, accused me of being a liar, and publicly trashed me, on behalf of Blanchard. (Interestingly, she repeatedly threatened to do this if I did not continue to have sex with her.) In essence, he bowed to Blanchard’s mind and accepted everything she said as truth without bothering to check the files. Thus, living through her desires, rather than through his own mind.
Anthropophagy means eating the flesh of one’s own freedom. In giving over control of his mind to Blanchard, he ate away his own freedoms: The freedom to use his own mind; and The freedom to find out what she told him is not true. To be sure, Burke is likely afraid to review those files, as they will show that I stated the truth. Further, it is certain that Blanchard did not encourage Burke to review those court files, as they are filled with evidence against her. Alas, Blanchard would rather control Burke through fraud, and Burke would rather be Blanchard’s stooge.
PASY is a syndrome, because parasitism and anthropophagy are correlated. That is, when one chooses to live as a parasite, whether in matter or in mind, one eats away at one’s own freedom. This is true because when one accepts the status of another to determine the course of one’s own life and/or thinking, then one gives up the freedom to live and think for oneself.
I chose the acronym PASY because it rhymes with NAZI. PASY is how the Nazis defrauded the German people to give up their freedoms for a false sense of pride to be derived from their nationality, and by taking the wealth of, and exterminating Jews and others. Moreover, PASY is how it is that law enforcement in America willingly commits acts of perjury, theft, and cages and even murders good people who harm none, but simply seek to be free. But, it starts with individuals who seek to gain money, property and/or self-esteem through others by force or fraud, as with Burke. I paraphrase Ayn Rand: The lust to control others is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind.
If you act to take another’s freedom, you accept that others can do the same to you. In order to prevent this, and have a right to live and think for yourself, and yes, use a natural plant, you must recognize others’ right to freedom, even when you disagree, so long as they do not harm another’s life, liberty, or property.
Till next month, as always, keep rolling on.
Disclaimer: This is an informational article only. It is not to provide individual legal advice. If you need legal services, feel free to contact me, or any attorney of your choosing.