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Friday, September 28, 2018

Cover Story: The Cannabis Industrial Marketplace “Sourcing Done Right”

The Cannabis Industrial Marketplace is an online sourcing solution for Cannabis and Marijuana businesses revolutionizing how the Cannabis Industry finds qualified suppliers.  With the exponential growth of Cannabis and the realization that the business of weed is here to stay and growing daily, many online information centers have popped up. Some list supplies, others provide a list of growers, some have dispensaries, and a few include a bit of everything, but none are designed around the needs of the Cannabis business owner, until now; “The Cannabis Industrial Marketplace ( is sourcing done right

Free to Use – No charge to search online and save favorite suppliers or search areas.

Free Detailed Listings for Suppliers – No charge to list details of any cannabis friendly supplier.
No Registration – Easily access all of the information all of the time.

Direct Communication – The Cannabis Industrial Marketplace helps directly connect buyers and sellers.  Every company listing includes a phone number, website url, email address, and postal address.

Search – Search by name, supply type, or region.

Regulations and Licensing -
Comprehensive listing of laws and regulations for all 50 states with easy to download license applications

CIMP, LLC, the company behind the Cannabis Industrial Marketplace, is industrial focused with a proven strategy for businesses.  CIMP LLC’s principles are founded in nearly two decades of helping business, industry, and manufacturers find qualified opportunities online. 

The website is all about business and sourcing. lists supplier info, not smoking info.  The site content is focused on helping businesses find partners within the laws, not changing them.  Additionally, the site is continually growing, publishing more business data, services, and products daily; not updating THC menus.

Cannabis Industrial Marketplace’s Key Advantage – With a foundation in online marketing, the CIMP. LLC development team, headed by Gavin Siver, an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science major at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, created the most user friendly AND search engine compliant cannabis directory website.  Not only can humans easily find what they are seeking, but so can Google’s spyders. 

The site was designed with all published supplier and product data highly visible to the search engines.  Thousands of pages of data are interlinked with supplier websites, contact details, news stories, and government legislative pages that have a high domain value.  No other industry site casts this wide of a data net, with dual focal points on user experience AND search engine visibility.

In addition to the online initiatives, the Cannabis Industrial Marketplace is supported with multiple traditional marketing channels.

USPS Mail – A mail campaign to qualified and licensed dispensaries nationwide introducing the marketplace.

Email - Cannabis Industrial Marketplace is blitzing qualified businesses with a series of Emails about the website’s functionality, content, and ability to add free new company listings for qualified suppliers.

Phone – An in house team of tele communication professionals is reaching out to directly educate potential users and business partners about the Cannabis Industrial Marketplace.

Expo – As trade shows and networking are pre-requisites for any serious business campaign, supporting the site is “Cannabis Industrial Marketplace’s 2019 Michigan Summit and Expo” with a mega cannabis business partners networking mixer.

The Expo will be the first in Michigan post-election; Feb 26 – 27, 2019 at the Frankenmuth Event Center in Birch Run, MI.  Unique to this show is the 100% focus on business, not culture, and not smoking.  Strictly business, with an all business networking mixer the evening of Feb 26th in the giant mezzanine of the event center overlooking both show floors.

The state of Michigan’s legislature allows counties flexibility in setting regulations for Cannabis licensing, with Genesee and Saginaw counties being the most open to cannabis businesses, and the
Expo is on the county line between them in the heart of Michigan’s Cannabis Country!

“It is important that everyone understands, this will be a business and non-smoking event,” said Anthony Delduca, senior sales representative for CIMP, LLC.  Adding, “I have traveled to many cannabis shows claiming to be all business, and in talking with other attendees, the conversation would often include the unanticipated impact of “cannabis culture marketing” on the show experience.  Reinforcing our mantra “The Business of Cannabis.” We are not promoting or being drawn into the swell of culture, advocacy, or politics, rather our sole focus is business to maximize attendee and exhibitor benefits.  Our solutions online and off line connect qualified business buyers and sellers within the Marketplace.“

Further distancing the pure business strategy of the Cannabis Industrial Marketplace is the business consulting hall in the Expo.  A private limited attendance pavilion (Tier 3 tickets required) will have a group of 7 cannabis business experts for 1 on 1 private meetings about the primary concerns of cannabis business owners; regulations and legal issues, accounting and bankability, high volume production, security, marketing, tracking, and more.

The “Cannabis Industrial Marketplace’s 2019 Michigan Summit and Expo” will be the best in class based on content and focus, not venue or celebrity. It will feature 70,000 square feet of expo floor space, 2 days of educational seminars about everything from setup to packaging, and the biggest cannabis networking mixer in Michigan.

Register for tickets and booth space at with pre-election reservation savings.

What Is

A comprehensive source of business to business goods & services for Marijuana & Cannabis growers and processors.                     

What you can find on  From seeds, to packaging, to legal services; you can find every Cannabis business need on Cannabis Industrial Marketplace website.

What won’t you find on  No listings of cannabis brands or retail dispensaries, rather the website provides a breadth of data to interconnect industrial buyers with industrial sellers.

What does offer to business service suppliers?  There is no charge to be listed on Cannabis Industrial Marketplace, and all qualified Cannabis friendly business supplier are strongly urged to submit their company info for a free listing.  As there are thousands of companies listed, paid premium top tier positions have huge visibility and activity advantages, and are available to suppliers on a first come first serve basis.  Contact CIMP LLC’s sales team to learn about advertising in front of the largest and most qualified online Cannabis business audience, 810-547-1349;

Herbert Huncke’s AMERICA - The Evening Sun Turned Crimson

Herbert Huncke began smoking marijuana in Chicago in 1926.  A cab driver gave his first joint. He was 12 years old, coming home from night clubs he frequented at that early age.
Huncke circulated around the country in the late 1920s and all of the 1930s. 

In the early 1940s Huncke became a well-known hustler on New York’s 42nd Street and  in the shady underworld. He became a fixture of Beat Generation literature and influenced the writings of Dr. Alfred Kinsey from Indiana University . 

This is an early story from his Chicago childhood (circa 1919).

I remember so many strange happenings from the past.  Sometimes I can sit after having taken a shot of heroin for several hours completely absorbed by visions of places and people and the odd twists which make one person or place or experience a bit outstanding from every ordinary routine.

Once when I was a young child I had been invited by friends of my parents to spend several weeks in the country living in a summer cabin—as it was called—where there was a large flower garden and an even larger vegetable garden and great huge trees and hills and a beautiful winding river where I swam and went canoeing.  There were narrow gravel roads twisting and climbing up and down hills—shaded on either side by old and gnarled trees where occasionally simply out of pure joy I would see one I could climb up into—sometimes reaching the very top branches which I would cling to swaying slightly fro my own weight, and while gazing out over the landscape I believed I could see for many miles and my whole body would delight at the softly blowing wind.

The people I lived with owned a big brown and white collie dog named Tamer and was my constant companion.  It was my first encounter with a dog as a friend and I talked to Tamer as though he could understand everything I said—revealing secrets to him I had never shared with anyone.

The cabin or house was built at the top of a hill and from the screened front porch one could see clear over to the opposite side of the river.  Immediately in front of the house the hill began descending and it was rather a long distance down to the riverbanks.  In the evening the view of the setting sun was beautiful.

The one very unusual happening of that summer for mehad to do with a sunset, and all these years I’ve remembered every so often that particular sunset.

I was a fairly intelligent child and usually could be depended upon to obey instructions and behave in a self-reliant manner.  Therefore when one afternoon I was left alone there was very little worry on the part of the people who had left me.  I fail to recall why they had to leave me behind when they drove away, but they had praised me and explained there was no need for me to have someone with me on this occasion since Tamer was to be left behind also, and surely I big enough to help myself to the food which had been prepared and set aside for me and going to be with be no problem.  They assured me they would return before the next morning and of course I was too sensible a boy to be afraid of anything like the dark.

Actually, I was thrilled at the prospect of having the house all to myself and reassured everyone that I was quite capable of taking care of myself.  I think I was five years old at the time or perhaps six and extremely precocious.

And so suddenly I was all alone and master of the house.  It was getting late in the afternoon and for the first time since I had come to this place I became aware of the sounds around me.

I had heard them before but not quite as I was hearing them now.  Everything took on a new dimension for me and—although everything was familiar—still there was seemingly something new about everything.  I realized for the first time I was alone and I became a bit uneasy.  It is rather difficult to explain now and was then, but I had to admit to myself perhaps I wasn’t very brave after all, and this business of being alone was a good bit different than simply being indifferently aware of others being around or near.

I spoke to Tamer and kept him as nearby as possible; even though I was still a long way from real fright it still felt good having him close.  He and I moved through the several rooms of the cabin, and although it wasn’t dinner time I decided to have something to eat.  There were only two neighbors and they had their places a good distance from our place and—although I could look through the kitchen window and see another house through the trees—it seemed rather far away and again I was aware of being alone.  I ate halfheartedly and shared some of my food with Tamer, and then decided to go and sit on the front porch and watch the people below either rowing or paddling their boats and canoes, with every so often a small motorboat spreading a wake which would cause the other river craft to rock rather roughly, and the people in the boats would break into smiles and the women invariably reached for their sides and their laughter sometimes carried up the side of the hill and could be heard by those of us watching from the security of our front porch.

On the evening of this story as I walked from the interior of the house out onto the porch, I became aware of the sky which had turned a wild furious crimson from the huge glowing red disk of the sun radiating shafts of gold light and or at rushing speed plunged below the horizon.  I stood-nearly riveted to the spot bathed in a pinkish tint and surrounded by an almost red world—everything reflecting the sunset—and filled with awe and an inward fright I felt the intenseness of my being alone, and although I’ve suffered acute awareness of loneliness many, many times throughout my life, I’ve never sensed it quite as thoroughly or traumatically as on that evening when all the world turned into burning flame and it was as though I was already in the process of being consumed.  I was not brave at all any longer and was out-and-out afraid—plain scared—as I’ve ever been in my life.

Very slowly and carefully I looked all around me, speaking in whispers to Tamer, and finally, along with Tamer, withdrew into the room which had been mine since coming there to visit.  I climbed into my bed and tried to coax Tamer up beside me.  He simply refused and stalked in a somewhat haughty manner out of the room, disappearing from my view—and eventually I suppose settling down for the night in his own spot.

There isn’t much more except to say except the sun setting on that warm summer evening was one of the most frightening experiences in my life.  Today a sunset can fill me with an awareness of beauty that nothing else can.

MMMR Recipe - October 2018

Pumpkin Roll-it-Up
Blunt Cake

This fabulous light pumpkin spice cake, rolled together with a rich, cannabis infused cream cheese filling, is one of my favorite marijuana pumpkin recipes.  It makes a special dessert anytime to you want to invoke autumn’s favorite flavors. The festive dessert would even be at home on a holiday dinner table.

While it might seem complicated, this impressive looking cake is actually pretty easy to make.  There is no fancy decorating to do and no pastry bag needed, just spread the filling onto the cake and roll it all up!
A note about the Dosing on this recipe!
This recipe will have about 40 mg THC per serving IF you made your marijuana butter from average cannabis (10% THC) and used 1/2 ounce of marijuana to make 1 cup butter.

Prep Time
25 mins

Cook Time
15 mins

Total Time
1hr 40mins

Servings: 8

1/4 cup confectioner's sugar for dusting towel
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup canned pumpkin

1 package cream cheese softened, 8 ounces
3 tablespoons cannabis infused butter softened
5 tablespoons butter softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Prepare Cake:
Preheat oven to 375º F. Grease a 12" x 17" jellyroll pan or cookie sheet with sides. Line pan with wax or parchment paper and grease and flour the paper.
In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, pumpkin pie spice and salt.
In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs and sugar together with an electric mixer until thick and pale yellow, about 2 minutes. Stir in canned pumpkin until well combined. Stir in flour mixture just until combined.
Pour mixture into prepared pan.
Use a rubber spatula to smooth the batter out to the edges in an even layer and bake 12 - 15 minutes or until cake springs back when touched.
While cake is baking, prepare clean kitchen towel by laying on the counter and dusting evenly with the powdered sugar.
When cake is done, immediately invert onto kitchen towel.
Peel off the parchment paper.
Starting at the shorter end of the towel, gently and loosely roll the cake inside of the towel (towel will be wrapped up inside the cake roll). Move to a rack and cool completely before filling.

Prepare Filling:
Combine all ingredients in a medium size bowl and beat until fluffy.
When cake is cool, unroll from towel and spread the cream cheese filling over the cake up to the edges.
Re-roll cake and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
Dust with powdered sugar just before serving and slice crosswise into pieces.


The time has finally arrived. By the time your eyes settle on this article, we’ll be less than 30 days away from the opportunity to vote yes on marijuana legalization here in Michigan, becoming the 10th state to do so. Upon Prop 1 passing, we would join Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Massachusetts, Nevada, Maine, California, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. This will be a gigantic milestone in Michigan history, one that is truly decades in the making.

Marijuana has quite the history in Michigan, making it quite understandable why it was quite difficult to get to this point, and honestly one could even be quite surprised we arrived at this point as quickly as we did. Lets take a quick glance over some Michigan history of marijuana prohibition, marijuana legalization attempts, and legalization itself. In the 1950’s, Michigan implemented some of the toughest laws in the country on Marijuana. A 1952 bill made narcotics possession punishable by up to 10 years in prison and Marijuana was viewed as a narcotic. Fellow MMMR contributor and cannabis activist John Sinclair was arrested several times, starting in 1964. It was his third arrest that came in 1967 that was a true catalyst. John had given 2 marijuana joints to an undercover cop and was eventually sentenced to 9 and a half to 10 years in prison. A huge free John campaign was launched, headlined by John Lennon, and had support of many local officials. John was freed after 2 years in prison upon convincing the courts that heroin and marijuana weren’t equally as dangerous and that marijuana was misclassified. Three months later, the marijuana laws were declared un constitutional and there was a gap in time before marijuana laws were placed back on the books and marijuana was actually legal for about 3 weeks in Michigan in 1972. John made an effort to get a ballot initiative done that year and eventually fell well short of the amount needed, after all, this was 1972.

Since then, there have been other efforts to legalize marijuana in Michigan. There was the Repeal Today effort in 2012 which fell well short of the needed signatures. That group as well as a much larger grass roots group then canvassed the state hard for the MiLegalize group and their petition initiative which gathered enough signatures, but as many readers already know, they were collected well outside of the time allotted to collect them. Which brings us to the current initiative that was successfully done by the Committee to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol, an initiative completed by a unified front of grass roots activist led by the folks of MiLegalize, joined by the national Marijuana Policy Project group. Three failed petition drives throughout the years in Michigan, culminates this November when we all get the opportunity to finally correct an unjust law that has been enforced here in Michigan for decades upon decades. There are many reasons to be excited to legalize marijuana besides being able to grow a dozen plants and smoke on your porch without risk of police harassment. Just a few would be the tax revenue, the job creation, hemp is included in the proposal so there will be a huge opportunity for manufacturing. My personal opinion is that the biggest benefit will be removing the majority of law enforcements power to turn an everyday cannabis consuming citizen into a criminal. Medical Marijuana was passed in 2008 with the intention of arrest going down, instead, arrest have steadily increased. One only need to look at this author as a example, I began using cannabis in 1995 and didn’t catch a criminal case for it until 2016 as a medical marijuana dispensary owner. Marijuana arrest account for 9% of all Michigan arrest and the top counties arrest rate per 1000 people are all up North with Crawford being number on Northern Michigan can rejoice upon prop 1 passage because the stretch of interstate that begins in Ogemaw county, runs through Roscommon and Crawford counties, and ending in the cannabis war zone of Otsego county, known as the gauntlet, will no longer be the gauntlet of police looking for patients with cannabis in their vehicles. Michigan is arresting close to 25,000 people per year for marijuana. Upon passing prop 1, close to 25,000 people a year will no longer be unjustly arrested. Law enforcement will be able to focus efforts on real crime and drugs that truly do prove a risk to communities. Sure we’ll have some issues to work through, nothing is perfect and Rome wasn’t built in a day. One thing is for certain though, passing Prop 1 will give Michigan a much better future than the past we’ve had to endure.

Unfortunately, this is no guarantee. Social media is full of post claiming we’ll legalize in November, people are already talking about things they want to do after legalization as if its already been voted on and we’re just waiting for the date for the new law to take effect. We truly need to stay focused and not put the cart in front of the horse. Menominee police are putting out social media post almost daily about the dangers of legalizing marijuana, Macomb just held a public forum this week spreading fear propaganda as well. Healthy and Productive Michigan is still striving to derail this initiative, SAM or Smart Approach to Marijuana as well, and some counties like Otsego are even drafting resolutions stating the county is opposed to marijuana legalization. The anti groups seem to be ramping up their efforts, hopefully this month we see a lot of campaign promotions come out from the Prop 1 people. Polling was consistently in the upper 50’s to low 60’s for those in favor and in a recent poll conducted, those in favor was at a mere 44%. Polls, depending who conducts them and who they are asking, can obviously be skewed one direction by approaching a particular group, but if any poll comes back like that one at only 44%, it tells me there are enough no’s out there that we can’t sit home in November and appreciate legalization happening from the comforts of home. This should be the largest election turnout in Michigan history. Our primary voter turnout this past March was 2.2 million voters, the previous highest was 1.8 million. Looking forward to our general election where we get to cast our vote for marijuana, general elections typically pull a little more than 3 million voters in Michigan, experts expect as many as 4.2 million this November. Gerrymandering and a promote the vote initiative are on the ballot as well, but its many expert opinions that the marijuana legalization is going to bring out many from both sides that don’t generally get out and vote. Reefer madness has existed for decades, and we may not believe it but many in the state do. So to be sure we are primed and positioned for a success here, I ask that each and every one of you make sure to skip witnessing history, and to be an active part of creating it,

Vote yes on prop 1.

Free the Weed 92 - John Sinclair

Highest greetings to my fellow citizens as we enter the month of October, just a hair’s breadth away from legalizing marijuana in the state of Michigan after more than 50 years of effort to overthrow the state’s ridiculous marijuana laws once and for all.

As a marijuana activist all of my adult life, I have serious reservations about the citizens’ initiative we are about to pass, from its reference to regulating marijuana like alcohol in its title phrase to its insistence that marijuana is not to be smoked in public. The proposition is overly detailed in an attempt to establish rules and regulations for sales, possession and usethat would prevent the legislature from altering the results of the citizens’ vote as they have been doing with the Medical Marijuana Act.

Here is the way our proposal will appear on the November ballot, officially reduced to a word count of 100:

A proposed initiated law to authorize and legalize possession, use and cultivation of marijuanaproducts by individuals who are at least 21 years of age and older,and commercial sales of marijuana through state-licensed retailers

This proposal would:

• Allow individuals 21 and older to purchase, possess and use marijuana and marijuana-infusededibles, and grow up to 12 marijuana plants for personal consumption.

• Impose a 10-ounce limit for marijuana kept at residences and require amounts over 2.5 ounces be secured in locked containers.

• Create a state licensing system for marijuana businesses and allow municipalities to ban orrestrict them.

• Permit retail sales of marijuana and edibles subject to a 10% tax, dedicated to implementationcosts, clinical trials, schools, roads, and municipalities wheremarijuana businesses are located.

• Change several current violations from crimes to civil infractions.
Should this proposal be adopted?  [YES]  [NO]

Historically, marijuana legalization initiatives placed before the voting public have resulted in pluralities for legalization of 60% or more, but the questions on the ballot have been much simpler and easier to decide. As I write this, there is considerable debate in the press and in activist circles about the amount of support for passing PROPOSAL 18-1 and about the actual strength of the vociferous but not so voluminous opposition.

But this is all mere quibbles compared to the macro issue of removing the weapons of criminal arrest and penalization from the arsenal of the state in its relentless opposition to freedom for the marijuana smoker.

And while we’re still a long way from the ultimate goal of taking the state out of our private lives altogether and leaving us alone to smoke weed as we see fit, harming no one in the process, it will be a beautiful day when the police are finally deprived of the right to stop, arrest, search, arrest and imprison us for having in our possession any reasonable amount of the sacred weed.

The problem remains that the vote of the people to demand freedom for the weed and its users never seems to persuade the powers that be to loosen their grip and simply give into the freely expressed will of the people. While the entire scaffolding of the war on marijuana was fabricated of lies and total untruths, upon which was built the vast War On Drugs industry that has viciously oppressed us since the early 1970s, there has never to my knowledge been any indication from the authorities that they had promulgated a terrible mistake upon millions of Americans who use marijuana.

Never an admission of guilt, never an apology, never even an indication that now it is time for them to give in to the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box and let us have our weed when, where, and whysoever we might want it. Under the Medical Marihuana Act we’ve been able to do that since 2008 provided that we were able to establish our identity as patients and obtain a medical marijuana patient’s card from the state.

In the event that we weren’t growers or didn’t have a registered caregiver,the people who wanted to make sure we got our weed built up an incredible system of dispensaries and compassionate care centers that functioned smoothly and efficiently without much interference from the state government until eight years into the era of legal medical marijuana.

Everything started turning to shit in 2016 when the MILegalize effort to put legalization on the November ballot was sabotaged by the state legislature and then totally sandbagged by the same bunch of thugs posing as senators and representatives who finally realized the full scope of the riches to be rewarded under a stringent state regulatory system and the additional benefit of being able to continue fucking with the marijuana community instead of letting us simply co-exist in peace as is our wont.

The Republicans in Lansing have turned the question of medical marijuana regulation into a roaring travesty of justice and good sense. As my man Larry Gabriel put it in the Metro Times recently, “The state Medical Marihuana Licensing Board could not have handled setting up and rolling out the medical marijuana facility licensing system in a more ham-fisted manner. It seems as though the whole thing was set up by people who fear marijuana and don't want it to work.”

If you’re interested in the licensing fiasco it can be followed in the daily newspapers on a regular basis, but in outline the state demanded that anyone wishing to grow marijuana, transport it, or sell it over the counter would have to apply for a license and pay exorbitant sums to support the application, which had to be filed by February 15 if this year. The issuing deadline of June 15 passed, was extended to September 15, passed again, and has been extended to December 15.

During this entire perioda total of 17 applications have been approved, with more than 600 still to be adjudicated. Each entry has been accompanied by a non-refundable $6000 application fee, but this is only the beginning of the extreme flow of cash demanded by the state from marijuana providers. But, once filed in a timely manner, their applications sit there for months while the obstructionists on the marijuana policy board drag their feet and refuse to deal appropriately with the applicants.

The entire West Coast of the United States and a considerable distance inland has accepted marijuana into the cultural and economic fabric of daily life: California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colorado have legalized weed and are struggling with appropriate ways and means of growing, distributing, and selling it to marijuana consumers in an efficient fashion.

Michigan, on the other hand, will be the first outpost of freed weed in the Middle West, where we lurch along under the political hegemony of the right-wing goons called Republicans and their leader, the self-proclaimed “tough nerd” millionaire named Snyder. Happily, the nerd is out of time and his would-be successor, the flaming asshole known as Bill Schuette, is running well behind his Democratic Party rival, Gretchen Whitmer, and should be dumped onto the dustbin of Michigan history after November 6th.

I’m out of time for this month but, briefly put, this is our big chance to make a big change in the way things operate for marijuana users and our suppliers. To place our issue on the ballot has been a hell of a thing in itself, and now we have to cash it in and throw the old laws out. FREE THE WEED on November 6!

September 19-20, 2018
© 2018 John Sinclair. All Rights Reserved.

Michigan Voters Poised to Legalize Marijuana - Tim Beck

The Michigan cannabis reform community got a special gift from the Detroit News and its affiliate WDIV TV. On September 11, these media companies (whose editorial staff has been traditionally hostile to legal marijuana for adults) revealed that their own polling  indicates a big win for legalization when the voters speak on November 6.

If their numbers are correct, victory is inevitable.

Specifically 56% of all voters are solidly in favor of Proposal 1, 38% are opposed and only 5.8% are undecided. This means if every current undecided voter said NO, the result will still be a blow out win.

In an interview with the Detroit News, pollster Richard Czuba of the Lansing based Glengarif Group, Inc. which conducted the survey said "whats interesting is how consistent these numbers have been over the last two years", referring to past polling on the issue."There are hardly any undecided people left. It's baked into the electorate" he declared.

The only demographic cohort strongly opposed to legalization are those over age 65 who reject the proposal by 56%.  Persons identifying themselves as strong Republicans say NO, at a rate of 52%. Everyone else says YES.

"This confirms our own internal polling" said Josh Hovey, spokesperson for the "Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol" (CRMLA) in an interview with MMM Report. "Our YES numbers have been consistently in the high 50's and low 60's since day one."

Mr Hovey is employed by the public relations and issues management firm of Lansing based "Truscott-Rossman Co." (TR).TR is on the payroll of CRMLA, which is the creation of the Washington DC based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), and a native Michigan group called "MI Legalize." MI Legalize came close to getting the measure on the ballot in 2016. MPP funded the legalization of medical marijuana in Michigan in 2008.

Founded by John Truscott, who was press secretary to former Republican Governor John Engler and Democrat lobbyist Kelly Rossman; TR's major clients include DTE Energy, Blue Cross, The University of Michigan, The Van Andel Institute, the Skillman Foundation and the cities of Detroit, Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor. The company is considered to be one of the bluest of the blue chip public relations and lobbying firms in Michigan.

TR's paycheck of roughly $12K per month plus expenses, comes from wealthy institutions, individuals and grass roots donors from across Michigan and the USA.

The funders motives are a mixture of altruism and self interest. For the pubic good, some want to end the useless, failed, 80+ year war on marijuana. Others  want to cash in and supply a new, legal adult market, which currently exists in California, Colorado, Washington State, Oregon, Maine, Massachusetts, Alaska, Nevada and Vermont.

Mr. Hovey was candid and realistic in our interview. He explained that TR has gone about its business in a calm, methodical, low key way; playing its cards close to the vest.

In addition to intensive internal polling on the nuances of voter sentiment, they conducted three focus groups in the metro Detroit and Grand Rapids media markets.

"The focus groups were very helpful" said Mr. Hovey. "We were able to identify key areas of concern the typical voter has about Proposal 1 and develop effective responses to allay those fears."

He went on to disclose three primary fears troubling voters. However, the magazine is taking the liberty of not printing his answers. We have no interest in educating our enemies as to how to refine their attack messages or what potential flaws to concentrate on. There is no evidence to date, that "Healthy and Productive Michigan" (HPM) the group which is leading the charge against legalization, has ever conducted focus groups, given their limited budget so far.

Anyway, it does not matter. Most of you reading this have heard every excuse in the world as to why cannabis should remain illegal. You are more than able to refute the lies. TR's job is use their expertise in messaging on a mass scale; to educate the typical voter as well as opinion leaders in ways we as individuals cannot.

As to whether HPM has any hope of raising the millions of dollars needed to prevail in November (if such a thing is even possible given the current survey data) Mr. Hovey was uncertain. "So far it has not happened but we can never be sure. It is entirely possible a significant donation could come in the next couple weeks. We will never really know that until the end of October, when the next financial reports are due. By that time it will be too late. Lots of misleading messages could be coming out around the end of October."

He went on to explain, that CRMLA has not yet made a final decision as to running TV ads, but it is in a position to do so and the money is there. "We are still in the process of determining whether something like that is needed at this point. We have national funders who really want this to win and we will do whatever we need to do."

In the meantime, a big effort will be made to get lots of free media. TR is bringing the famous travel writer and TV personality Rick Steves to Michigan to advocate for legalization. In addition, respected United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) consultant Susan Sisley MD, will be here to refute lies being spread by HPM as to the health issues surrounding the medical as well as adult use of marijuana for any reason.

Mr. Hovey's advice to MMM Report readers and grass roots activists across Michigan, is "ignore the polls and fight to win like your life depended on it. Spread the word, and don't get rattled by the hysteria and reefer madness coming from desperate opponents."

He went on to explain the vital role each and every member of the community has, in terms of refuting lies and getting family, friends and neighbors to vote. If Proposal 1 loses, it may be years before Michigan gets another chance to throw off this creepy yoke. "We are going to have plenty of lawn signs, and tee shirts ready to go very soon. Our logo was just approved today. ( the interview with MMM Report took place on September 13, and the column
deadline is September 19)

"The facts are with us and the only thing the other side has to offer is scare stories. We all can deal with that--- and I too understand the personal impact this flawed policy has had."

Grow Tip - October 2018

Another Top 10 Tips For Growing Indoors: for the Beginner

 With the prospective changes in the laws for Michiganders in regards to cannabis, many more are going to be looking into growing their own ganja, and here at  the MMM Report we fully encourage those with the time and patients to try.
Growing cannabis can be an enjoyable experience, if you know what you’re doing. It can also be a major headache and very costly if you don’t. Here are 10 simple tips to help you get the most out of your indoor marijuana garden.

1. Do your research!
This sounds like a no brainer first step, but it’s one many people overlook. Before you get started familiarize yourself with the basics of growing cannabis. Do some reading on growing, grow room design, and the other basics. It will save you a lot of headaches down the road. Don’t be afraid to use our forums to ask questions. The internet is full of information at your fingertips. Don’t forget to use it.

2. Proper room before you start
Don’t plant a single seed before you have your room built. Rushing to construct your room in a hurry won’t give you the best results. Build your room completely before you start your seeds or clones. You can always use the extra time to save up money and buy the seeds you really want while your are getting your grow room ready.

3. Veg and flower rooms
Build yourself a room (or use tents) specifically for flowering, and a second room (tent) just for vegging. Having a separate vegetative room will allow you to keep a mother, and have clones ready to go as soon as you finish your harvest. This allows you to guarantee  your favorite genetics are always available, and you won’t risk bringing foreign pest and fungus into your room on purchased clones.

4. 3000 Lumens per sq ft for Lighting
The minimum amount of light required by marijuana plants is around 3000 lumens per square foot. However, it’s not 100% accurate, since although you may have a 10,000 lumen light, the amount of light that reaches the plant varies with the distance between the light and plants, and reflectivity of the grow box. The ideal amount is somewhere around 7000-10,000 lumens/sqft, and as long as the plants do not burn, as much light can be used as you want. (*note, the sun produces about 10,000 lumens/sqft, on a sunny summer day).
Determining lumens for your grow area:
Determine the square footage of your area (example in a 4 foot by 4 foot area, there is 16 square feet)
If you have a 1000 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light, that produces (approx.) 107,000 lumens.
Divide this by 16 (your square footage) 107,000 / 16 = 6687 lumens per square foot.
So just divide the total amount of Lumens, by the total amount of Sq ft, and thats your lumens per square foot.

5. Ventilation
When it comes to ventilation, you can never have too much of it. Air movement will help keep your plants happy and healthy. By removing hot humid air, ventilation helps prevent mold and mildew. Ventilation also replenishes CO2 that plants need to photosynthesize. If possible, filter any fresh air that is drawn into the grow room. This will reduce the number of new pests introduced into the grow room.

6. Start with a simple grow method
Before you decide to try out that latest greatest high tech growing method you read about, start with the basics. Those people have spent many hours tweaking their grow rooms to a point of perfection. Instead, start with a good bag of soil, some pots, and a simple but good plan, then tweak your methods until you have achieved a heavenly perfection of your own.

7. Stick to one line of nutrients

If you have been to any grow shop recently, you will know that they have a metric ton of products that claim they make your plants grow faster, yield bigger buds, and taste better. Mixing different brands of nutrients can cause lockout and a number of other problems. Pick a single brand of nutrients and use only that one line. Most brands have a complete line of nutrients designed to give you the best results possible.

8. Cleanliness
As the old adage goes. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. This is also true for our grow rooms. Keep them clean, don’t leave trash in the grow room. It invites pests, and may present a safety hazard. If you pull off dead leaves, dispose of them outside of the room. If you can, have a clean pair of shoes and/or clothes you can put on before going into your rooms. This will keep down the likelihood of pests problems like spider mites. Keep in mind that pets can unknowingly carry pests that can  infest your garden as well. Dogs/cats roll in the grass outside, and then walk in the house and possibly into your grow room, taxing the pests to a feast. A simple suggestion is to keep pets away from grow areas.  Keep a pair of oversized coveralls hanging by the door, next to your grow room shoes. If you use a few simple preventative measures, you can help keep pests out. Your plants will thank you.

9. Mumms the word
This one can be difficult for many of us. Growing is very exciting. Sometimes you want to show your closest friends what you have going on. Maybe you can make them a little jealous. Stop! Keep your mouth shut, and don’t tell anyone about it. People have a bad habit of talking. For every person you trust enough to tell, expect they will tell 10 people that they trust enough to tell.  Before you know it, you could have some undesirable attention.

10. Start with good genetics
As always, starting with the right strain can make or break your garden. If you want big yields, then don’t grow a strain known to be a low producer. If you want a certain type of high, make sure you pick a strain that was designed for it. This goes back to tip #1. Do your research. It will save you time, energy and money.

V.G.I.P. Update - Ben Horner


Michigan House Representative, Sheldon Neeley

As election day draws nearer, the deprecations of possible marijuana legalization permeates Michigan. For many, the prospect inspires dreams of being dope rich with never ending business opportunities in cannabis commodities. Others shout out “Freedom” from prosecution and persecution. Michigan house representative Sheldon Neeley, less concerned with the now abundant cannabis lobbyists, eyes the opportunity to help victims of the not so colorblind convictions of Michiganders for petty weed crimes. If legalization passes by the voters on November 6th, House Bill 6227 could overturn pot possession charges, and maybe more.

Lawmaker Sheldon Neeley from Flint, Michigan, has been educating folks about expungement laws for years. Poor people often cannot afford quality legal representation, and are more likely to plead guilty to victimless crimes. A simple possession charge can stain a citizen’s record for life, but with a little help for Neeley and his supporters many have expunged some past convictions. Inspired by this success, Representative Sheldon Neeley hopes to gain support behind overturning the new Jim Crow drug laws that victimize minorities and poor people most.

Sheldon Neeley is working with local activists to form a coalition to support HB 6227 and expand upon the idea. John Sinclair who is known his mantra of “Free the Weed” and his fight in and out of prison, to legalize marijuana, is excited about this and finally seeing the end of the insane war on the plant coming to fruition. Sinclair was convicted in the sixties for drug trafficking for giving an undercover officer two joints. In an epic legal battle Sinclair overturned marijuana laws for a few weeks in Michigan before the feds implement the archaic controlled substance laws. These laws have been used for decades to fuel the drug war.

After the passing of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, cannabis consumers celebrate a great victory of freedom to use pot as a natural medicine. Unfortunately, legal medical marijuana didn‘t protect everyone and ganga entrepreneur around the state found a new set of legal challenges. Where dispensaries in progressive areas such as Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint and Ypsilanti operated without incident, Places like Cloud 45 in Gaylord Michigan were raided over and over again. Chad Marrow, ran one of the most compassionate center in Northern Michigan until the task forces of northern Michigan ran him down. It seems like enforcement left medical marijuana alone in urban areas, but slammed facilities that operated in mostly white areas.

This October 22nd in Flint, these folks and others will be holding a panel discussion on how to right some of these wrongs. The event is open to the public and Representative Sheldon Neeley and friends will be there to build the team to legalize and restore the tarnish of decades of enforcement under the raciest Anslinger’s REEFER MADNESS.

World News - October 2018 - by Megan Smith

Oh, Canada!

Canada- The cannabis job market has spiked with the passing of recreational marijuana in Canada. It is expected to bring approximately 150,000 new jobs across the country, ranging all the way from cultivators to retail clerks and managers. With this new job market boom, naturally, comes a higher need for professionally trained workers. In response to this need, colleges and universities around the country are beginning to add cannabis to their curriculums.

Niagara College Canada recently launched Canada’s first full post secondary, one year post graduate program for commercial cannabis production. Out of over 300 applicants, only 24 students were accepted into this elitist program, including PhD candidates, scientists and engineers. The program is centered around 3 core fundamentals; large scale crop cultivation, business fundamentals and of course cannabis law.

Other schools are also offering a wide range of cannabis courses of study. Durham college is offering 2 day workshops called medical cannabis fundamentals for business professionals, which is designed as more of an introduction to the cannabis industry. Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers an in depth online course, consisting of three eight week courses in growing and production, marketing, and sales and financing. McGill University is also in the process of putting together a cannabis cultivation diploma program, however no official start date for the program has been announced as of yet.

Cannabis for Canadian Armed Forces

Canada- In response to the new recreational cannabis laws, the Canadian military has recently released a directive stating that most military personnel will be permitted to use recreational cannabis in alignment with local laws and regulations, though a few restrictions will apply. The directive states that military personnel will not be permitted to use cannabis within 8 hours of a duty shift, nor within 24 hours of any work that would involve the operating of weapons or vehicles. Additionally, personnel will not be permitted to use cannabis within 28 days of duty which requires service on a military aircraft, operations inside of a hyperbaric environment, or high-altitude parachuting. Service members will also not be allowed to use or possess cannabis while working any international affairs. Any service members that are found in breach of these restrictions will face disciplinary action, and may quite possibly even be brought up on charges.


Going Even Greener?

Ireland - Has been famously stubborn regarding cannabis, it is currently illegal to possess or cultivate marijuana under the misuse of drugs act 1977, though the laws have loosened slightly for some patients and medical professionals with authorization. An estimated 77% of Irish Citizens support the medical marijuana legalization movement, and finally in 2017 Health Minister Simon Harris announced that he would support medical marijuana licensing for patients with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and chemotherapy side effects, however as of yet, no formal regulations have been finalized.

Some patients have been able to obtain medical licensing for chronic health conditions, by directly petitioning the government under the misuse of drugs regulations 2017. Such as 8 year old Ava Berry, an epilepsy patient whose family has recently announced that she is now officially pharma free and is being treated solely with CBD and THC. Ireland is beginning to make strides in the medical marijuana movement thanks to the efforts of advocates such as Ava’s mother Vera Twomey, who spoke in the house of commons in London this summer, explaining the benefits of alternative medicine for the treatment of conditions such as severe epilepsy. While Twomey, and other medical cannabis advocates are making strides in the fight for medical marijuana in Ireland, there is still a long way to go.

Brits Continue to Suffer due to Lack of Access to Medical Cannabis 

United Kingdom- is in desperate need of medical marijuana advocacy, as it was recently discovered that only two chronically ill patients have actually been granted a medical license. In response to this need Professor Mike Barnes, a neurologist, and UK’s leading medical cannabis expert is establishing a society to help improve Doctor’s understanding of medical cannabis medications, and their effects on chronically ill patients. Barnes is launching the British Medical Cannabis Society this November, which will be free to all doctors, and he is hoping to gain accreditation by the Royal College of GPs.

Many Doctors and medical professionals have been unwilling to support cannabis medicines due to a letter released by the British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA), representing Doctors who care for children with severe epilepsy, suggesting that cannabis could cause brain damage. Professor Barnes stated "They have said that THC is dangerous to the developing brain, which I have to say is a complete misinterpretation," he said. "They are wrong to say that. The evidence that medical cannabis can be useful to treat pain, spasticity, nausea, vomiting, chemotherapy and epilepsy is pretty robust.".

Barnes further explains "There is some evidence that high-THC, low-CBD street cannabis does cause longer term cognitive damage among heavy recreational, mainly male, users starting in adolescence, however there are other studies that have refuted that," he states. "CBD counteracts the effect of THC, so there is effectively no risk of these children getting cognitive damage from the tiny bit of THC we're suggesting. It's completely illogical to say, 'You can't have THC because it causes brain damage, but you can have this drug that causes brain damage, and you can continue to have seizures which also cause brain damage.'"

In order to qualify for medical cannabis, Patients must prove “exceptional clinical need”, which some Doctors are interpreting to mean that patients must try and fail every other anti epileptic drug available. There are 21 anticonvulsant drugs available, and each medication takes weeks to titrate, and also takes weeks to wean off of, as well as come with a wide range of side effects, including severe rebound seizures.

Nothing is Rotten in the State of Denmark 

Denmark- Terminally ill patients using medical cannabis stand to receive government subsidies to cover the full cost of their cannabis medications. Minister for Health Ellen Trane Nørby said “For patients who are dying and can benefit from medicinal cannabis towards the end of their time, we will now make sure they can receive the subsidy for the whole of 2018, applying the rule retroactively,” this new rule will go into effect earlier than anticipated following a bill passed this past March by the government and Danish People’s Party. The bill was set to establish the subsidy provision starting from January 2019, however in a recent press statement released by the Ministry of Health, it was stated the measure will actually begin to take effect September of 2018.

Germans Look ahead to Grow

Germany- Beginning in 2019, Germany intends to issue the Country’s first domestic licenses to cultivate medical cannabis, and the first crops are expected to be harvested in 2020. Germany stands to become one of the world’s largest medical marijuana markets, due to the number of insured patients beginning to skyrocket. The German government restarted the application process for medical cultivation this past summer (the deadline to apply is October 22nd), however the amount being requested is nowhere near enough to cover the demand. Canadian and Dutch medical cannabis companies have also been exporting a record amount of medical marijuana shipments into the Germany; however the country is still struggling to meet demand, which is causing costs to rise. As a result Germany has recently sought the help of the Netherlands to help significantly increase medical marijuana shipments into the country in order to help bridge the supply and demand gap.

National News - October 2018

Pot Doesn’t Pass the Test

CALIFORNIA - Nearly 20 percent of marijuana products in California have failed tests for potency and purity since the state started requiring the checks on July 1, a failure rate some in the industry say has more to do with unrealistic standards and technical glitches than protecting consumer safety.

The testing has been especially tough on cannabis-infused cookies, candies and tinctures: About one-third have been blocked from store shelves.

In much smaller numbers, testing companies licensed by the state are finding unacceptable levels of pesticides, solvents and bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, according to data provided to by the state Bureau of Cannabis Control.

In the first two months, nearly 11,000 samples were tested and almost 2,000 failed. In some cases, the product must be destroyed. But many involve labeling issues that can be corrected. For example, a marijuana bud that's tested to show a different potency than what's on the label can be relabeled and sold with the right specification.

To the state, the strict testing program is largely doing what it was designed to do: identify marijuana buds, concentrates, munchies and other products that are in some way tainted and unsuitable for eating or smoking.

But as regulators consider recasting rules governing the nation's largest legal pot economy, they are facing pressure to revamp testing requirements that are being alternately described as going too far, not far enough, or an overly costly burden.

Rules require the THC concentration come within 10 percent of what is advertised on a product label. Company executives say some products are being rejected after landing outside the margin by tiny amounts.

At a state hearing last month, the Santa Ana-based testing company Cannalysis urged regulators to broaden their rules to include a test used in food and pharmaceutical industries that company officials say can detect a large number of potentially harmful species of mold and yeast not currently covered in state guidelines.

The company has seen examples where mold was on cannabis but the sample passed state tests.

By limiting its required review to a few mold species the state is "essentially creating a loophole where every other species can get by," she said.

The rules require all cannabis products to clear a range of tests at labs before reaching consumers, from ensuring THC is distributed evenly in chocolate bars to making sure buds have not been contaminated by fuzzy blankets of mold.

From July 1 through Aug. 29, labs tested 10,695 product batches and 1,904 were rejected, a failure rate of about 18 percent.

Claims on the label, such as THC content, accounted for 65 percent of the failures, or 1,279 tests.


Manhattan Drops 3,000 Open Marijuana Cases

NEW YORK - Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance dropped more than 3,000 open marijuana smoking and possession cases dating back to 1978, saying the action would serve justice and address racial disparities in the prosecution of marijuana offenses.

Vance moved to vacate 3,042 outstanding warrants and dismiss the underlying charges before New York City Criminal Court Judge Kevin McGrath. The judge said the cases must be sealed within 90 days.

The district attorney’s decision applies to misdemeanor and violation cases in which a warrant was issued because the defendant failed to appear in court. It does not apply to any cases where a defendant was convicted, or to more serious charges like selling marijuana.

 “By vacating these warrants, we are preventing unnecessary future interactions with the criminal justice system,” Vance said in court.

“We made the decision that it is really in the interest of justice,” Vance said at a press conference in court after making his motion. He added that dropping the charges would remove a burden from his office and the court system.

“We have to actually look at what resources we have, what resources the court has,” he said.

Vance announced earlier this year that his office would no longer prosecute marijuana smoking and possession cases. The decision was part of a nationwide trend among state and local governments to ease enforcement or legalize the drug.

Michigan News- October 2018

Ballot Language: Marijuana Legalization, Prop 1

DELTA TOWNSHIP- 100 words summarize the ballot Proposal 1,to legalize marijuana, under wording approved by the Board of State Canvassers.  The full proposal takes up five pages, but the Board of State Canvassers had to distill the long proposal into the 100 words that will appear on the ballot. 

The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol said it approved of the final proposal wording.

"This ballot language makes clear that Proposal 1 will create a strongly regulated system that gives adults 21 and older the personal freedom to consume without fear of arrest while generating millions in new dollars for roads, schools and local governments -- three of our state's most under-funded needs," said group spokesman Josh Hovey. 

"What this language does not explain, however, is that there are many more restriction in place than what has been approved: communities will have the authority to restrict or ban marijuana businesses; driving under the influence will remain strictly illegal; businesses will retain their right to test and ban their employees from using; and public consumption would still be strictly illegal."

The proposal will appear on the Nov. 6 ballot as; Proposal 1. 

 “A proposed initiated law to authorize and legalize possession, use and cultivation of marijuana products by individuals who are at least 21 years of age and older, and commercial sales of marijuana through state-licensed retailers."

The proposal would:

• Allow individuals 21 and older to purchase, possess and use marijuana and marijuana-infused edibles, and grow up to 12 marijuana plants for personal consumption.

• Impose a 10-ounce limit for marijuana kept at residences and require amounts over 2.5 ounces to be secured in locked containers.

• Create a state licensing system for marijuana businesses and allow municipalities to ban or restrict them.

• Permit retail sales of marijuana and edibles subject to a 10% tax, dedicated to implementation costs, clinical trials, schools, roads and municipalities where marijuana businesses are located.

• Change several current violations from crimes to civil infractions.

If Michigan voters approve the marijuana legalization measure, the state would become the 10th in the nation and the first in the Midwest to legalize pot for recreational use.

In addition to the legal weed issue, the Board of Canvassers also approved a measure to increase access to voting for the Nov. 6 ballot.

The Promote the Vote constitutional amendment would authorize absentee voting for all voters, regardless of reason, allowing voters to register and cast ballots up to and on the same day as elections and requiring post-election audits. Currently, the cutoff for voter registration is 30 days before an election.

Besides the marijuana legalization and Promote the Vote, voters will also get to consider an anti-gerrymandering proposal that will change the way state and federal legislative district lines are drawn.


Permanent Pot Rules in Place by Late November

LANSING- Permanent rules for the state’s growing medical marijuana industry should be in place by late November, a state officials claim.

State regulators took comment from more than a dozen people Monday on the proposed Medical Marihuana Facilities rules that create a framework for the industry. Existing medial marijuana businesses have been operating under emergency rules since May.

Those rules expire Nov. 30, “so we want to make sure we have this framework in place,” said Andrew Brisbo, director for the Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation.

The final draft rules will be posted and then submitted to the state’s Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, which will have 15 session days to act on the proposed rules.

Among the concerns expressed by those commenting Monday were low THC allowances for topical medical marijuana treatments, the time-intensive application process and demands for information from caregivers that could affect their licensing prospects.

“What they’re doing is they're going to freeze out from the business anyone who’s been operating within the last 10 years,” said Matthew Abel, a cannabis lawyer and executive director of Michigan NORML.

Even as the bureau adopts the rules, Brisbo said, it will engage with its advisory to the board to continue to review the framework. 

“We expect the administrative rules for this industry to be a consistent evolution as the industry itself evolves,” Brisbo said.

The hearing comes a few days after an appellate judge granted an injunction against the state, allowing all medical marijuana businesses currently operating under emergency rules while applying for licenses to continue operating through Dec. 15.

Survey Says; NO to Pot

ANN ARBOR- Three out of four Michigan communities don't want medical marijuana businesses, according to a survey conducted by the University of Michigan.

The survey conducted by U-M's Ford School of Public Policy polled city and township officials about whether they've opted in or opted out to the state's medical marijuana program.

The results found 75 percent of local officials have decided to opt out of the program.

And most of those communities -- 46 percent -- chose to opt out by taking no action at all on the issue.

The survey -- conducted online for most municipalities and by mail for others -- garnered a 70 percent response rate, said Tom Ivacko, associate director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at U-M's Ford School of Public Policy.

Just eight percent of Michigan communities said they have opted in to the state's Medical Marihuana and Facilities Licensing Act, thereby allowing businesses to open in their jurisdiction, according to the survey.

That's slightly higher than information the state has collected: 108 cities and townships out of 1,773 -- or six percent -- have passed resolutions to opt-in, according to an unofficial list compiled by the Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation.

Even with businesses permitted in a quarter of Michigan towns and townships, it's generated more than 700 business applications to the state, according to the latest figures from regulators.


Home Delivery? Regulators Give it Consideration

LANSING – The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs held a public hearing on proposed rules governing medical marijuana. The biggest change in the rules is allowing for home delivery of cannabis for people with medical marijuana cards.

Home delivery will become an option for licensed dispensaries as soon as permanent rules are approved by a legislative commission and put in place by LARA later this year and after it approves each dispensary's plans for the service.  Those plans must include proof that employees meet state requirements.

 “People who are disabled can’t get out of their car and we can’t do curbside service,” a dispensary owner in Walled Lake said. “So delivery is the way to go. If you find a place that has what you need and it’s 45 minutes away and they’re willing to deliver to you, it’s a great idea.

As an employee of the dispensary, delivery workers will have to go through a background check before being allowed to work for the facility. They will be able to deliver up to 2.5 ounces of medical marijuana a day to registered patients and up to 10 ounces of pot per month. They won’t be able to make more than three deliveries per trip and their vehicles must be equipped with navigational systems so the dispensaries can keep track of where they are during deliveries.

Because of the small amounts of marijuana being delivered, the service won't fall under the secure transport license designation. That license covers transportation of large amounts of marijuana from grow facilities to dispensaries for sale.
The dispensary will be able to accept online orders and payments from qualified patients or accept cash payment upon delivery.