Monday, October 1, 2012

Cannabis, Cancer and Domestic Violence by Charmie Gholson

October is both National Breast Cancer and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and guess what? Medical marijuana is “the answer” to both of these issues—just like love.

The medical marijuana movement, operating as informed health consumers in control of our own healing, has generated plenty of informal, no budget, not FDA-approved research, to provide proof that that Cannabis kills cancer without killing healthy cells. That research and the results haven’t been reviewed or approved by our government; it’s just made the cancer go away.

In fact, in the three short years since we’ve enacted the Medical Marihuana Act, we’ve developed a cadre of our Michigan activists who have pioneered informal cannabis cancer research; every day people just like you and me, who have cured their own cancer with Cannabis. Steven Sharpe, Gersh Avery and Michael McShane are a few of these miracle warriors, walking in a surreal, dual existence of both criminal and healer in the midst of marijuana prohibition.

But even with the ever lurking fear of criminal aggression from law enforcement or the medical society, these dedicated folks now work to educate others. They present their research and findings to any one who’ll listen: hospitals, doctors , media, health organizations.

 It’s a beautiful thing. Healing for the people, by the people.  Fight the power, so others may live.

Mainstream medicine isn’t completely ignoring the Cannabis/ Cancer connection either. A research team at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute is studying the endocannabinoid system with the goal of developing interventions for aggressive cancers. They report that a non-toxic, non-psychoactive compound in marijuana (CBD) may block the progress of metastatic breast cancer.

CBD works by blocking the activity of a gene called Id-1, which is believed to be responsible for the aggressive spread of cancer cells away from the original tumor site.

Senior researcher Pierre-Yves Desprez likened this process to "an orchestra conductor. In this case, you shoot the conductor, and the whole orchestra is going to stop. If you shoot the violinist, the orchestra just continues to play."

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence defines battering as a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person. Usually, it’s an intimate relationship and includes fear and intimidation behavior, often including the threat or use of violence. Battering happens when one person believes that they are entitled to control another, not because they were drunk, or you didn’t do something correctly. It’s just a control issue.

Alcohol abuse has been identified as one of the leading risk factors for domestic violence; the statistics connecting alcohol abuse and domestic violence are overwhelming.  It’s clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship.

Research also shows that alcohol use contributes to aggressive behavior and acts of violence, while marijuana use reduces the likelihood of violent behavior.

In the most basic terms, Cannabis is safer than alcohol, especially if you’re a woman. 

Rick Simpsons Phoenix Tears

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Run From The Cure, full version

Charmie Gholson
Politics. Promotions. Peace.

 Check out out website.