Tuesday, April 30, 2013


By Chuck Ream

Michigan’s legislators are responsible every day for a brutal and anti-American cannabis prohibition, and every day they go to work in Lansing. Michigan’s voters from cities across the state have clearly voted that they would like to see the legalization of small amounts of cannabis, or at least full decriminalization. Legislators ignore the voters!
Lansing voters will give them the message!!  Our momentum in Michigan will keep rolling forward!
With your help, the Coalition for a Safer Lansing will have “legalization by exemption” of one ounce or less or marijuana on the ballot for the November 2013 city elections! We know that, in their wisdom and compassion, Lansing voters will find that cannabis prohibition is more dangerous than cannabis!
PLEASE support (give money) to the 2013 Lansing campaign for the legalization of possession of an ounce or less of cannabis by adults. Strike a huge nail into the coffin of cannabis prohibition in Michigan!
We need over 6000 signatures, and $12,000 is our budget. More than $2000 has been raised, and petitioners are already getting signatures. We need petitioners, or money to pay petitioners! Early in the game we can get signatures for $1. The final petition turn in date is August 8.
MMMReport donates $1000 to the 2013 Lansing Campaign!
MMReport is not just a magazine, it is a part of “the Movement”! Thank you MMMReport!
It was five victories in Michigan cities that set up the conditions to get the grant to put our Michigan Medical Marijuana Act on the ballot.
Michigan’s cannabis law reform movement won five local landslide victories on Nov. 6 2012. Ypsilanti voters gave 74% support to the idea of making marijuana laws the “Lowest Law Enforcement Priority” in Ypsi. (LLEP had won in Kalamazoo in 2011). In Kalamazoo medical marijuana dispensaries were on the ballot and won. Grand Rapids voters said they wanted to be like Ann Arbor, with pot possession punished by only a small fine. Detroit and Flint fully decriminalized (legalized) possession of pot for personal use, through the use of a brilliant concept pioneered by Tim Beck.
Tim crafted a petition that is sophisticated by being radically simple. It just attaches a paragraph to the local law that says that “the above law does not apply to any individual in possession of one ounce or less of marijuana who has attained the age of 21 years.”
I told him it wouldn’t work. The Detroit Election Commission said “no way”. The court and appeals court said “take a walk”. The Michigan Supreme Court understood that Tim’s concept of “decrim by exemption” was legal and forced Detroit to put it on the ballot last year. Tim paid the legal bill.
Detroit voters approved this “legalization” of one ounce or less by a 62 % victory margin. Flint voters also approved.
Now we have a “decrim by exemption” petition which has already been tested in the Michigan Supreme Court, which we can use in any Michigan city.
 Lansing is the prize – it will be done this year – please help!
PLEASE! SEND CHECKS TO: COALITION FOR A SAFER LANSING, Committee # 46424,                                 P.O. Box 1358, E. Lansing, Mi, 48826                     Invest in Freedom!
(All contributions must be received by check and reported by amount, date received,                              and donors name and address – make sure this needed information is provided. If                               cumulative contributions are more than $100.01 in a year we must also record and                                report the donor’s occupation, employer, and principal place of business.)                                                       DO YOUR PART FOR VICTORY!  

Check out our website.