Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is the Sky Falling: Chemtrails and Global Warming

By Ben Horner

Chemtrails vs. Contrails

Reefer Madness was a propaganda film from the 1930’s that completely changed societies perspective of marijuana.  Many films, news articles and other forms of propaganda have been used to create the war on marijuana, hemp and all forms of cannabis. This war has been waged on the users and suppliers of cannabis at great public cost and massive incarceration rates for minorities and other poor people.  During this same time, commercial tobacco and alcohol companies heavily advertised and generated wide spread belief that their products were socially acceptable and healthy for consumption.

Today, perception of marijuana, tobacco, alcohol, and prescription medication is changing, as we better understand their effects and side effects. This synthesis of social perception is what defines modern societies in this ever-changing world; i.e. zeitgeist of a society. Corporate and governmental bodies often cling to the propaganda of the pasts that supports their interests, as we have seen in the movement across the country to reform marijuana laws. Is this also the case with climate change and climate engineering programs like Solar Radiation Management?

During the nineties, U.S. researchers and environmentalists noticed unusual lingering exhaust from jets flying in the sky. Unlike typical condensation trails caused by jets flying at high altitudes, which dissipate fairly quickly depending on the humidity and temperature of the atmosphere, these jet produced lingering liner clouds that crisscrossed the skies. Observers recorded these all over the world, as they remained suspended in the sky and gradually formed hazy cloud formations. These curious observers became convinced that these trails were not jet contrails, based on historical observations and coined the word ‘chem-trail’, combining the word ‘chemical’ and the word ‘contrail’. Most credible institutions and government officials refute observations of these chemtrails, as a misunderstood conspiracy theory.  The Oxford Dictionary defines this aerial phenomenon as:

Contrail: (noun) a trail of condensed water from an aircraft or rocket at high altitude, seen as a white streak against the sky.

Chemtrail: (noun) a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft and believed by some to consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a covert operation.

Skeptics of contrails insist that there is no such thing as chemtrails, and what people are seeing in the sky is what is characterized as multiple persistent contrails. Persistent contrails form if the atmospheric conditions are just right, and are rare. So why are their so many more reports of multiple, visibly persistent contrails?

NASA completed a study in 1996 called SUCCES, Subsonic Aircraft: Contrail and Cloud Effects Special Study. In this study, the conditions for forming persistent contrails were measured using a NASA DC-8 fitted with a variety of sensors to determine air moisture, ambient air pressure and temperature. The study determined that they could predict the environmental conditions needed to form persistent contrails, and that by adding moisture, soot and sulfur that the persistence and duration could be enhanced and that these contrails could be used for climate change.

Conspiracy theories regarding chemtrails vary significantly. Some hypothesize that the government is using these trails to disperse harmful materials into the environment. Whether misinformation or paranoid delusions spurred theories about chemtrails being used for mind control, de-population and other forms of apocalyptic doom is debatable, a simple Google search can tell you that there is a ton of speculation on both sides of the spectrum of believers and debunkers. Regardless, plenty of research has been done on the use of particulate materials for Climate Engineering (CE) and Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

In May of this year, researchers from American Enterprise Institute, out of the University of Texas, released a policy paper titled, Solar Radiation Management: An Evolving Climate Policy Option. In this paper, plans for using aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere may be the most cost effective way of dealing with global warming. How to gain support for an international SRM program to reduce global rises in temperature is considered. Using man made particulates and reflective dust to reflect the suns radiation out we could cause a controlled cooling of our planet and prevent Al Gore’s environmental doomsday (Inconvenient Truth, 2006) from becoming a reality. Cost for implementing a global SRM program to mitigate the effects of global warming is small on the front end, but more research and development is needed to calculate the cost and long-term effects of such climate modification programs. A significant portion of the paper contemplated how environmentalists and partisan politics would challenge the United States domestically. Internationally, fears of America acting unilaterally to implement weather modification are cited. The paper suggested that European support being very difficult due to a general dis-trust of America for recent unilateral actions in the Middle East and breaking from the Kyoto Treaty. India, Russia and China were also considered for possible alliances in an international SRM implementation.   

In Denmark, a global think tank called Copenhagen Consensus Center released a paper in 2012 called, An Analysis of Climate Engineering as a Response to Climate Change. In this paper, it is suggested that the global community allocate an average of approximately 0.3% of its $250 billion annual climate-change budget ($750 million per year) to SRM and AC research over the next decade, with a preference for SRM because of it’s low cost. This paper also discussed many of the political challenges of implementing an SRM program. Absent a more dramatic change in climate, public support for implementing such a program is not considered likely, so international partnering in global research is advised. It should be noted that the very same American Enterprise Institute, out of the University of Texas, that produced the SRM paper this year, produced the Copenhagen paper.

It seems possible that the United States is actively researching impacts of persistent contrails on a regional basis. By utilizing the data on where to find the sweet spots in the sky, from research projects like SUCCESS, the U.S. can proceed classified testing, without causing any alarm, by simply having tight air traffic controls. In a post-9/11 world, we do have tightened air traffic controls and could direct traffic towards altitudes and regions in the sky that have the correct conditions for forming persistent contrails. If the jet fuel was modified, as described by Hughes Aircraft Company’s 1991 U.S. Patent No. 5003187, full scale research and development for a global SRM program could be implemented for the sake of national security fairly easily, and with a degree of secrecy.

Such research would give the U.S. a strategic advantage for future SRM programs, as well as with many other counties who, like us are spending more and more on CE. The task of controlling the worlds’ climate may be the key to global sustainability and is being lobbied for on an international level.  Within the last four years, major policy research organizations have also conducted studies, convened conferences, and published reports on the subject of SRM and CE. Some of the larger efforts of this sort have been by those of AEI, the Bi-partisan Center, the Climate Institute, and the Council on Foreign Relations, the Hudson Institute, the National Academy of Sciences, and the RAND Corporation. These groups have direct connections to the military industrial complex and the largest shareholders in global holdings. These organizations have been used for public policy setting, also known as propaganda.