Tuesday, January 28, 2014

GCSI and CSG Join Forces to Support Patient and Caregiver Rights in Michigan

GCSI and CSG Join Forces to Support Patient and Caregiver Rights in Michigan

The Cannabis Stakeholders Group recently received full representation from Lansing’s lobbyist powerhouse firm Governmental Consultant Services Inc., in efforts to promote patient and caregiver rights to safe access under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.

Michigan’s newest Political Action Committee is a grassroots organization of patients, caregivers, industry-related business owners, and like-minded people dedicated to supporting and improving cannabis laws in Michigan. Formed in the early fall of 2013, CSG continues to receive support and sponsorships to get the work done from the cannabis industry across Michigan. 


The legislative strategies of the Cannabis Stakeholders Group are carefully reviewed for consideration by members of the group and their Steering Committee. These members are dedicated to meeting every month, discussing which issues are imperative for immediate action, and work with the general consensus of the group as to which issues are to be brought to Mr. Bill Zaagman. From there, a plan of action is developed with representation from GCSI and that’s how cannabis reform continues, whether it’s a brand new issue that has yet to heard, or potentially challenging a bill that’s already in progress, the resources provided from GCSI are endless.
Their determination to get the work accomplished is due to, in a large part, because actual members of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program and those helping support them are at the forefront of the debate.  True grassroots organization can go a long way. It also takes support from the fine folks in Lansing, our Senators and Representatives, and a strong team such as Bill Zaagman’s and other groups working collectively to help educate our lawmakers as to what, and how the implementation of our MMMP needs to work and how to protect their rights. 


As we all know, plenty of important cannabis issues have yet to be presented to our lawmakers in Michigan, at least not successfully. Plenty of efforts have been made, but they have always seemed to fall short of accomplishing a true goal. If the bill is so likely to pass in one House, it very well may have fell short in the Senate. Needless to say, true bipartisanship is lacking on cannabis reform. These issues leave patients and caregivers throughout the stat vulnerable to prosecution based on false, incorrect, or misinterpreted information from the laws under the MMMA. Bill Zaagman acknowledges these types of roadblocks in our program and is on the ball to offer support and bring awareness to several members of the House, Senate, and law enforcement who have yet to be introduced to the scientific, economical, medicinal facts behind plenty of issues. With their support, work can begin. 
Rep. Mike Callton’s HB4271 has been presented successfully by the NPRA and their lobbyist firm Kevin McKinney and Associates. As this bill, along with Rep. Kowall’s HB5104 make their way through Senate Government Operations Committee, a joint effort to see these bills through is anticipated. Provisioning Centers and the implementation for statewide regulations is far away. It is a process that, if passed in the Senate, will be open for debate amongst every municipality. Clarity on how the Provisioning Center Bill (4271) will be executed, cohesively with the MMMA is yet to pan out. What can begin are the group efforts to strategize on educating our municipalities, city council, and representatives on why it’s important for Provisioning Centers in our towns-SAFE ACCESS!
Without these joint efforts, Michigan is likely to be consumed by special interests, stripping away caregivers rights, limiting patients’ accessibility and their rights, and Lansing will be at their mercy. In a world of “Money talks” from companies like Prairie Plant Systems,  it’s important to have a unified front here at home. Although, yes, money does talk, so does mass memberships of actual people involved in the MMMP with equivalent lobbyist support. 


Monthly membership for the Cannabis Stakeholders Group is offered to all patients, caregivers, businesses, and business sponsors with interest to be involved in cannabis reform. All contributions go directly towards our Political Action Committee and lobbying efforts agreed upon by the Steering Committee and CSG members.

Those interested are asked to visit: 
or call 810-820-8953 
for more information on how to become involved.