Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cannabis Liberation Day - by Adam Brook

Part of a Global Effort to free the medicine, this event celebrates it’s 14th year in Detroit. 2014 will be our best year yet! Speakers, Music, Knowledge, and an organized march at 4:20 pm on one of Detroit’s busiest intersections. We welcome anyone who wishes to participate, whether as a speaker, volunteer, or performer to contact us. This is our fight, and we’re all in this together. Cannabis Liberation Day belongs to the People. Please Join Us On May 3rd in Detroit’s Historic Grand Circus Park.

Cannabis Liberation Day FAQ:

What is it?
It’s a rally/march held on the first Saturday in May in multiple cities world-wide, one of them being the Motor City.

It’s goal?

Where will Cannabis Liberation Day be held this year?
As always it will be in historic Grand Circus Park, in the heart of Detroit. This will be our 14th year!

Is there a charge for this event?
No. It is free to everyone.

Will there be vendors?
Only if such vending features informational/educational material. Otherwise you must get a vending permit from the City Of Detroit.

How can I be a part of Cannabis Liberation Day-Detroit Edition?
Call Adam Brook at 313-999-0329. We are still accepting speakers/performers. Also, we need volunteers to help with the sound system and setup.

     The above descriptions are what the currant leadership wants LIBERATION DAY to be. That is the BEST part about LIBERATION DAY, it is different things to different people and in different places its totally different.....So make of it what you will....LIBERATION DAY came out of the MILLION MARIJUANA MARCH in 1999. It was started by Dana Beal of CURES NOT WARS. His vision was to have many many different simultaneous events around the world. I can remember when they had just north of 300 cities...There was tons of support coming from Marc Emery and Cannabis Culture magazine. That support came in the way of posters.....10’s of thousands were shipped all over the world. Then there were the local activist who made their impact. Here in Michigan there were a few different LIBERATION DAY events    scattered throughout the state. They have basically morphed in to one LARGE event in Detroit. (In my opinion, the changes here in Michigan were needed. No reason to dilute the activist pool by having events throughout the state...When we can come together and make a much stronger statement...).

    The Detroit Liberation Day event was spearhead by Jay Statzer. With nothing more than a bullhorn, he started organizing this event. A neat feature of the Detroit event is the March that is done around Downtown at 4:20. If you can’t be at this event all day, YOU want to be there for the March! It’s pretty impressive to see a large group of people walking around Downtown protesting...
Eventually others got involved, Paul Pearson & Hi Lo Bob come to mind. Each leaving their own mark on the event.
    Hi Lo Bob introduced me to one of the most genius feats of activism I have seen. This is REALLY genius....He would grab a protest sign and walk back and forth across the street in the cross walk, while the light was red. When the lights changed, he would walk the cross walk in the other direction....back and forth, back and forth.....BRILLIANT!!!

    Paul started using the internet and web design to increase the awareness of the event. He worked with Jay Statzer to keep the Detroit event going while Jay ran other LIBERATION DAY sites around Michigan...

    I know that Heidi from Michigan Compassion organized the event for the last couple of years. I was on a state paid vacation and was not able to attend. I heard many good things about the years I missed....

    This event is ripe for someone with nothing on their plate who wants to get involved. If you have ever wanted to be THE GUY/GIRL? Get involved in LIBERATION DAY.......This year Mr. Chris Collins is putting things together. I know he can always use help. Feel free to check out the Cannabis Liberation Day - Detroit Edition facebook page at:

    Also, not this year, but some years LIBERATION DAY falls on the same day as a Detroit Tigers home game. Putting 40,000 plus people within a block of the event. When this happens it gives us an opportunity to reach out to people who normally would not be at a cannabis event. This is a home run in cannabis activism, when it happens......

    Another cool thing about the DETROIT LIBERATION DAY event is that YOU can make this event what YOU want. Are you an activist with something to say? Come on down and speak to the
people....Does your group want to get their message out to the people? Come set up a table. 1st Amendment vending is allowed. Commercial vending is also allowed, however YOU must get a vending permit from the city, Veterans get one at no charge. Are you a performer? Fire Eater? Dance Troupe? Poet? This is your type of event.........

    WHY? LIBERATION DAY is about being free. Unlike HASH BASH which is a smoke -in to protest the currant laws, LIBERATION DAY has become what happens when you let people be free to live and medicate and the choose.

    What would YOU like the future of LIBERATION DAY to be? The venue, GRAND CIRCUS PARK, is perfect. It’s a massive space. Perfect for bands and vendors. With Detroit being a cannabis friendly city, the future of this event is what YOU make it.