Friday, June 13, 2014


    So I was asked to cover the CANNABIS LIBERATION DAY – DETROIT event. I was happy to do so as I love the setting. GRAND CIRCUS PARK, Detroit.

   Per Wikipedia: A part of Augustus Woodward’s plan to rebuild the city after the fire of 1805, the city established the park in 1850. Woodward’s original plan called for the park to be a full circle, but after construction began, property owners north of Adams Street were reluctant to sell due to rising land values (author note – So Detroit!!). 

    The Detroit Opera House overlooks the eastern edge of the park, and the grounds include statuary and large fountains. Near this historic site, General George Armstrong Custer delivered a eulogy for thousands gathered to mourn the death of President Abraham Lincoln. Architect Henry Bacon designed the Russell Alger Memorial Fountain (1921) in Grand Circus Park. Bacon’s other projects include the Lincoln Memorial (1915–1922) in Washington, D.C. The fountain contains a classic Roman figure symbolizing Michigan by American sculptor Daniel French who sculpted the figure of Lincoln for the Memorial
    In 1957, the City of Detroit constructed a parking garage under the two halves of the park. The eastern portion houses space for 250 cars and the western portion accommodates 540. The half-moon shaped park is divided down its center by Woodward Avenue, the city’s main thoroughfare. The Alger Fountain anchors the eastern half and is capped on its north western edge with a statue of mayor William Cotter Maybury. Its western half is anchored by the Edison Fountain and capped on its north eastern edge with a statue of mayor Hazen Pingree.

    The Maybury and Pingree monuments have been relocated several times. The Pingree statue was erected in 1904 near Woodward and Park Avenues facing south,while his rival, Maybury, occupied a site in the eastern half of the park facing Pingree across Woodward Avenue. After the 1957 garage construction, Pingree was returned to his original site while Maybury was placed at the north boundary of the park with his back to his foe. In the 1990s, both statues moved once again to their current locations.

    GREAT Detroit history in this park. Plus it’s central location makes it easy to get to. It’s a great place for vendors to set up as it has natural walk ways built in if you set up around the fountain. Unfortunately, due to a commitment I had (which I had covered until the individual backed out) I was not able to attend. But that won’t stop me from telling you folks what happened, thanks social media......

    Ms. Josey Scroggin filled in as emcee. I heard she killed it. Josey is a firecracker and knows how to talk to people whether it be with a politician one on one or a crowd of thousands at HASH BASH.

    There were some great speakers there like Rick Thompson, Steve Sharpe, Thomas Lavigne, Marvin Marvin, Matt Abel, Dakota Blue Serna and Steven Lull to mention a few........The Green Family was there including the Princess Bree. DJ Eddie Legend spun some great tunes......

    Plus there were some great vendors in the park. The CANNABUS and Stacey Theis were there in all their glory.

    People were lining Woodward Ave with signs in hand...... The march at 4:20 was awesome, and a great after party at the Marijuana Ranch.

    Truth be told I could have said anything and you would have to believe it. Why, because the faces I saw in the pictures were the faces I expected to see. Where were the rest of you? You missed an amazing event. I would say that with the right effort this event could easily blow HASH BASH out of the water.
Chris Collins did a great job as host. With almost no support up until the day of the event he pulled it off. The problems that popped up in the weeks before the event were as expected and Chris stepped up and took care of business. 

    I am looking forward to working on CANNABIS LIBERATION DAY –DETROIT in the future. Keep in mind folks, the 1st Saturday in May in Grand Circus Park at HIGH noon CANNABIS LIBERATION DAY – DETROIT!!!!!! It goes all day and is FREE.

    How many of you have contacted your state senators and state representatives about MARIJUANA?

    Do you call or write? I used to write. I would pick a day and sit down and write a stack of letters....I would get your standard form letter responses.....

    A few years ago, a friend was telling me how he has become friendly with the secretaries in the offices of his elected politicians. He said he started sending them gifts on Secretary Day, holiday cards, etc....He became pretty well known to the point that he could call and say “ Hi Mary, Bob Budsmoker here”.....Mary would say “I know you are against Bill 660, I will let the Senator know”......Then he tells me that when he showed up to do some face to face press the flesh activism, even without an appointment, he was well received in the office. 

    SO, get to know your elected politicians office staff. Remember they are the front line warriors and are many times battle shy, so be kind and make it personal. It won’t do much good to rant and rave about the bad laws we have. Instead explain why you support or don’t support something and how it would effect you and that you are asking the politician to consider your wishes as a constituent. They will listen and you can actually get things accomplished....