Thursday, October 2, 2014

VGIP UPDATE - by Chuck Ream, Co-Founder of Coalition for a Safer Michigan

     As you know, we won Hazel Park in the August primary with 63% in favor, and Oak Park with 53%. Oak Park was too close for comfort, but so many people had told us we were going to lose. These victories were made possible by the incredibly dedicated Andrew Cissell and Debra Young.

     At the moment of this writing, we still have a couple of court battles going on, but local leaders in 11 Michigan cities have officially qualified for the November 4 ballot.

     It is a legalization question that we are putting on the ballot this year- legalization by exemption. The marijuana laws of the city stay in place, except that if you have one ounce or less and you are 21 years old and you are on private property, you are exempted from the law.

     This petition was created by Tim Beck, and approved by the Michigan Supreme Court.

     On the ballot for November 4 we have: Saginaw, Frankfort, Pleasant Ridge, Harrison, Clare, Mt. Pleasant, Berkley, Huntington Woods, Port Huron, Lapeer and Onaway.

     There may still be more, and we already have cities ready for 2015.

     If you live near one of the cities above please write a well worded letter to the editor to a local newspaper.

Please do this! We have no money to run campaigns. We would like to at least put signs at the polling places.

     We plan to win in every city and it is imperative that we win in every city. Patriotic Michigan voters have both intelligence and compassion; they believe in liberty and justice for all, and the great majority of them are totally finished with supporting cannabis prohibition.

     All we do is give the voters a voice. In a democracy, government is supposed to heed the voice of the voters, and public policy is supposed to reflect what they say at the polling place.

Need more info on which cities will be voting for
Decriminalization in Nov 2014??

Interested in supporting VGIP efforts in Michigan??

For more details, email Safer Michigan Coalition at: 
