Michigan has a long history of being the birthplace of new ideas and useful inventions. Cannabis cultivation is not a new thing per se, but indoor cultivation has only been mainstream here in Michigan since 2009 when the medical marijuana laws came into effect. Chris Atkinson is full of that entrepreneurial spirit and has taken his recent experiences from disaster clean up in Mississippi. In the vacuum of the dismal Michigan economy, bright minds turn to cannabis as the new frontier of growth. The Grow Rite botanical solution is a perfect example of this phenomenon.
GrowClean is a product that is made right here in the Great Lakes state, but has its roots in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The storm was the most costly natural disaster in America’s history, leaving flood damage miles inland. The clean up cost over one hundred billion. Mr. Atkinson owned a private emergency restoration business at the time and was one of the first private contractors at the scene on day one of the clean up effort.
“Helping people was my favorite thing,” explained Chris, the creator of GrowClean. “Contractors were ripping people off by charging outrageous fees to remove fallen trees and to place tarps over damaged buildings.”
It was the mold remediation that became Chris’ specialty. The lessons of the hurricane clean up taught him how to treat water and mold damaged homes. Bringing back to Michigan his expert experience, Chris was able to grow his business and create a unique spray-on product that kills mold and fungus, yet is safe for the home. Years later, as home cultivation became the new gold rush for the under employed people around Michigan, Chris was called, on many occasions, to repair damage caused by the humidity of home grows. The creative mind started turning again and Chris thought that if only people could treat their grow area as a regimented maintenance of the growing. It didn’t take long for Chris to engineer the solution and the result was a break through product.
“GrowClean is an effective surface cleaner that both removes traces of mold and fungus on a surface and prevents new growth from reoccurring,” explains general manager of GrowRite LLC, Brandon Saker. “We have been field testing GrowClean and the results are amazing. I think this (product), if used in a grower’s maintenance routine will really help caregivers produce safer medicine.”
Although this is a new product, the initial results are impressive. Only a select few grow stores around the state carry GrowClean. With some of Atkinson’s passion and Saker’s young energy this new product is sure to become another Michigan success story.
If you would like to try GrowClean for your self, stop by one of the locations listed on the bottom of the ad on the next page, or buy it direct at www.buygrowclean.com.