Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MMM Report Feature Artist: Kellerville - by Hemptress Jolene

     Kellerville is the Petoskey folk duo made up of cousins Holly Keller and Lee Dyer.   Describing their work as both real and imagined, they are fun to watch as well as being great songwriters.  Growing up here on the shores of Northern Michigan, I have watched Keller’s music career grow and blossom. 

     A Cross Village native herself, Holly Keller has long been a gemstone among Northern Michigan’s Tip of the Mit folk musicians.  Her earthy folk tone lends itself well to the pictures of Northern Michigan and the feeling of home it truly provides to those of us who really love this place. And love this place, Holly does.  She paints beautiful pictures of Northern Michigan through her wonderful lyrics and catchy hooks.  Her music tells the story of a young women struggling to grab her dreams while not losing touch with her home and the things that inspire her, like her grandmother’s kitchen, the shores, the porches, and campfires where she grew up making music. For many years, Keller floated in and out of various projects always coming back to her solo self until she finally fell into place with her cousin Lee Dyer in the fall of 2012 and Kellerville was born.  Since coming together, their music has not only bloomed but found a very supportive listening base. 

     Also a native of Cross Village, Lee Dyer is quite the musician in his own right. His quirky attitude and multi instrument abilities lends itself well and adds much to Holly’s soulful lyrics and playful madelyn style, and don’t forget Holly’s occasional washboard.  Dyer seems to be able to play everything including the trumpet, the guitar, the piano,  and the tambourine (with his foot).      
     Lee customized his guitar to be able to play it as a bass drum to accompany his progressive picking style.   Dyer and Keller have put out several wonderful recordings and are working on the third album now.  Their second album, “Turn to the Hills” was a success, not only because the album’s quality, but because the duo was able to use a kickstarter to fund it.

     Now back at Backseat Productions in Ann Arbor recording their third album, the duo looks forward to giving this album the time it deserves.  Kellerville’s music is starting to reach a wider audience. They are currently planning their second tour around the lake which will take them to Chicago and several stops in Wisconsin.  The group also have several gigs coming up in Southern part of state over the next few months. One thing that you must do is check them out.  So the next time you find yourself in Petoskey, they can be seen at the Noggin Room, Red Sky Stage, Blissfest or better yet catch them on the road in your neck of the woods.  One of the things that is truly wonderful about Kellerville is they are perfect for any occasion, from a wedding to a festival.  Check out their website to learn more about how you can find them on the road, or book them for your next event today at  Or seek them out on Facebook at