Wednesday, June 3, 2015

VGIP Update - by Ben Horner

    Doing these VGIP meetings is a lot of work, and I have been very fortunate to meet with some great people that have helped make these things come together. The ideas are not unique. We reach out to patients in the community and invite lawmakers and community leaders to join the discussion. We focus on marijuana law reform and MMJ patient rights issues.

     We want to invite everyone to participate. There are three groups discussing legalization initiatives and several groups lobbying Lansing. Big money has shown that they are ready to embrace marijuana here in Michigan. How will that play out for the common caregiver that makes a modest living in Michigan growing cannabis?

     Last month Flint issued the first provisioning center license to my dispensary, Michigan Organic Solutions. All of our employees were awarded personal licenses to dispense. We opened the first dispensary in Genesee County back in August of 2010, with five hundred bucks and a dream. We have been fighting for the rights of patients, caregivers, growers and users ever since. Our dream is to see that no one goes to jail for cannabis ever again. That is the Vote Green Initiative Project (VPIG). We believe that by changing local laws we can create a greener world.

     Our meetings typically last about two hours and are packed with information on how to be a better safer cannabis activist, grower, business owner and everyday consumer. These VGIP Meetings are free to attend and are strictly informational. Find out what they don’t want you to know and unlock the secrets of the Michigan Marijuana Movement!