Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Riding the ‘Silk Road’ Roller Coaster - by Daniel L. Price, Esquire

     It’s August 2015.  It’s been about seven years since the voters in Michigan began to reclaim a small portion of the liberties that past generations neglected to defend.  It is interesting to observe this roller coaster ride.  Like all motion, the cars of this coaster began to move from the power generated by a machine.  In this case, the machine was a large group of individuals dedicated to the idea of freedom.  These individuals understood that government actors who attempt to control the behavior of others are just as illegitimate as any Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, or other dime store dictator. The anticipation of that first plunge down the track of freedom was great.  Many felt the euphoria of accomplishing an assertion of freedom, when the votes were tallied and Michigan joined the ranks of those states that have “legalized” marijuana for medicinal purposes.  People from all walks of life began growing, using, and providing marijuana for others to experience the relief that this natural medicinal herb provides. 

     But then the ride came into a sharp curve, jostling those who desire to be free into a reality where freedom will be fought by those who wish to destroy it for others, and consequently for themselves.  Almost immediately government actors began to clamp down on those who engaged in the practice of freedom for this tiny aspect of the right to self-determination.  Many of those government actors vowed to do whatever it takes to destroy freedom.  Today, they lobby to stamp out, and thereby end, freedom in our state.  Whether due to the fear of freedom itself, or simply from the desire to rule over and control others, it is clear that government actors will not readily allow freedom to rear its awe inspiring silken glow for those who desire to follow the shining promise of freedom.

     Here is a rundown of the results that have come from efforts to crush the promise of freedom in the context of the medical marijuana movement:

•  You are not free to dispense medical marijuana in a safe, commercial environment, thereby destroying the freedom of individuals to engage in commerce to mutual benefit;

•  You are not free to possess medicine in an amount not approved by government actors, thereby destroying the freedom of the individual to self-determination;

•  You are not free to possess or sell the safest, most effective form of marijuana treatment for cancer and other medical conditions, marijuana oils and medibles, thereby destroying the right to self-determination of the individual;

•  You are not free to grow marijuana in a quantity that is not approved by government actors; thereby destroying the right of the individual to produce an amount of a good that the free market demands, and thus the right to self-determination of all individuals and the free market;

•  You are not free to possess the yield of marijuana that the plants that you are allowed to grow will produce, as a result, it is automatic that come harvest time, you will be guilty of a crime, again, destroying the right of self-determination of the individual, while cloaked in a government actors false grant of freedom;

•  Contrary to prevailing beliefs, the Michigan Court of Appeals declared that medical marijuana is not legal, it is only that some immunity is “granted” to those who engage in this still illegal activity, thus declaring that your rights are a gift from government actors, destroying the right of self-determination of the individual; and

•  Lastly, if you should happen to be accused of the crime of exercising your freedom, courts routinely deny the immunity granted by those government actors, clearly providing the evidence that if your right to self-determination, your very right to live, is regulated by government actors, they can also take it away at any time they see fit.
     It is clear that this ‘silk road’ roller coaster is still moving on the tracks.  What is not so clear is whether the forces of freedom or the dictatorial forces for total control of the individual will prevail in this skirmish for your right to self-determination. 

     Many have paid a high price at the hands of these government actors, losing their income, savings, and their property.  Many are also currently caged for the crime of exercising their right to self-determination.  Yet, it is encouraging to see that there are many who continue in the fight for their right to self-determination.  The key is to never feel comfortable, never give in, and always be vigilant to the fact that for every win, there will remain those who will do their best to destroy our freedoms.  It is very important to always keep in mind that if you do not assert your right to self-determination, it will eventually be destroyed by those who seek to deny you your freedom! 

Till next month, as always, keep rolling on.

Disclaimer:  This is an informational article only.  It is not to provide individual legal advice.  If you need legal services, feel free to contact me, or any attorney of your choosing.