Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The 10th Michigan Medical Marijuana Conference

     For years now the MMM Report has been doing these events. The purpose is to bring people into the MMJ world, help them learn how to grow, teach them about the currant laws, and celebrate all things cannabis.

     These events are smaller than High Times’ and offer a much more compassionate price to enter in the contest. Trophies are awarded for best Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, and many other medical categories.

     Glassblowers can enter in three different categories and pieces will be judged on site at the event.

     Contest entry forms, the latest schedule, and more can be found online at:

     Come for the fun. Get Legal, Educated, Get Growing! We cannot wait to see everyone in Ann Arbor for the 10th Michigan Medical Marijuana Conference.

Schedule of Events*
General admission is $8 in advance, $10 at the door.
Doors open Friday afternoon Oct. 23rd @ 4:20pm

Saturday, October 24th
Doors Open - 10:00am

Cannabis Law Reform Impact Panel
(Free w/general admission)
Panelists include Matt Able, Cary Justice, Steve Sharp,  and Mike Whitty. Will be discussing what patients, caregivers, and activists need to know about cannabis law reform.

Grow Classes - All Day Saturday
$25 advance / $30 at the door
(all students must have general admission)

11:00am - Grow Room Design
Instructor TBA

12:00pm - Hydroponic Gardening
 Instructor TBA

2:30pm - Vermicose Soil
w/Tommy Szot

4:00pm - CBD Information
w/Mike Thue

5:30pm - Cooking With Cannabis
w/Captain Kirk

 7:00pm - Afterglow and Book Signing 
WSG John Sinclair!


Sunday, October 25th
Doors Open - 10:00am

Michigan & Marijuana Business Seminar

($75 w/general admission)
Find out how to open your own medical marijuana dispensary! Information will cover logistics, tax and accounting, legal guidelines, and more!

Glass Blowing Award Ceremony

3rd Green Cup Award Ceremony 

*Schedule is tentative and subject to change. Classes and instructors are still being finalized.
Go to for the latest news and info.


Contest Entry Drop-Off Locations:

Michigan Organic Solutions3549 S. Dort Hwy
Flint (810) 820-8953

New World Seeds
502 E. Front St.
Traverse City (231) 313-2471

Jackson County Compassion Club
1620 E. Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI (517) 879-2801

ACT Laboratories, Inc.
273 Industrial Dr.
Hillsdale, MI (517) 439-1492

Each entry must include an $80 entry fee, and must be turned in by October 17th, 2015