Monday, March 7, 2016

11th Michigan Medical Marijuana Conference will be OFF THE HOOK! - by Ben Horner

     The cost to get in is $7 for the weekend. Classes are free, except the business seminar, which teaches you the inside scope on how to run a provisioning center.

     There is going to be a legal panel, veterans panel Saturday, and a pancake breakfast hosted by parents for pot. 420 Nurses are recruiting new interns and promotional modeling deals for this magazine and cash prizes.

     The Caregiver Cup entree deadline is March 14th. Trophies will be awarded for best indica, sativa, hybrid, concentrates and edibles. It only costs $80 to enter. Participants will be invited to a private grower meet and greet after party on Saturday night. Tests your skills against the best, and just maybe you could validate you skills. Entrees can be dropped of at ACT Labs in Lansing, MI organics in Flint, or New World seeds in Traverse City.