Saturday, March 26, 2016

Michigan Backs Recall of Governor Rick Snyder; Favors Legalization of Marijuana

Michigan by 50% to 40% Backs Recall of Governor Rick Snyder; State Favors Legalization of Marijuana 54% to 39%

March 25, 2016

FLINT- Multiple petitions to recall Governor Snyder and legalize cannabis have been approved for circulation.  According to recent Survey USA Poll commissioned by the Michigan Medical Marijuana Report, Cannabis Stakeholders Group and Abrogate Michigan, Michiganders would support both recalling Rick Snyder and to legalize marijuana.

Michigan voters want to recall Governor Rick Snyder, according to a new SurveyUSA poll. 934 registered voters statewide were interviewed 03/23/16 through 03/24/16. Young voters are more likely to want to remove the Governor; older voters are more likely to want Snyder to remain in office. 85% of those who are "very liberal" want the Governor out of office, compared to 69% of liberals, 47% of moderates, 34% of conservatives and 28% of "very conservative" voters. 

By 54% to 39%, voters favor the legalization of marijuana for adult use. Support for legalization extends to all regions of the state. 

This Easter Sunday, the current effort to Recall Governor Snyder will begin with the petition kick-off. Pastor David Bullock from Detroit and Quincy Murphy, from the City of Flint Charter Review Commission are the lead organizers of the recall efforts and they are organizing volunteers from around the state to gather signatures to recall the Governor. Both of the leaders' respective petition language was approved and both parties agreed to come together and use one petition in solidarity. 

“Now is the time for all of the People to let there voice be heard, organize, sign the petition, and get out the vote for this Governor to be removed from office since he is not willing to resign,” asserted Quincy Murphy. “Several elected leaders, community activist, and organizations has called for him to step down.

There are two petitions to legalize cannabis in Michigan. MI Legalize started collecting Signatures in the summer of 2015, but failed to reach their deadline last December. Attempts to change the policy regarding the 180 day window for collecting signatures has stalled, leaving the majority of signatures “stale and void.”  The Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Amendment started gathering signatures in January this year, to repeal or abrogate, the laws that make cannabis illegal under the Michigan Constitution. The Cannabis Stakeholders Group (CSG) has endorsed the abrogate petition, and CSG board member Ben Horner believes this petition stands the best chance of making the 2016 ballot if additional funds and grass root support. Deadline for turning in the Abrogate petition is this Fourth of July.

 Ben Horner from the Cannabis Stakeholders Group states, “The Flint water crisis and other failures of Governor Snyder, is a canary in the mine-shaft. If the state needs money why not just tax and regulate cannabis. States like Colorado are reaping the reward of sensible drug law reform, and Michigan needs to act to find elected officials that put the will and welfare of the people before corporations ”
Media Inquires:
Ben Horner, Cannabis Stakeholders Group Director
Phone: 810-338-5645

Quincy Murphy, StopSnyder and City of Flint
Phone: 810-308-4862

Statement of Support

Betty Aldworth, Executive Director Students for Sensible Drug Policy-
"This poll is yet another indication that the era of marijuana prohibition is quickly coming to an end. A growing majority of voters supports legalization, and that's especially true of young people. While harsh drug policies have been waged in the name of protecting youth, we've seen that young people actually bear the brunt of these laws through extremely high arrest rates and collateral punishments like the loss of college financial aid. This new data shows that if legalization gets on Michigan's ballot this year it is likely to pass, and the votes of college students who are fed up with the current failed policy will play a big role in making that happen."

Timothy Locke, Founder Abrogate Prohibition Michigan-
"Today's poll results show Michiganders across the board are no longer accepting the lies of Prohibition, and with support of 54% spanning all political platforms, including the full backing of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, Abrogate Prohibition Michigan brings many of the solutions we need to begin to fix these systemic issues we have all faced for over 45 years as the result of the failed and costly War on Drugs. Today, as these results clearly detail, Michiganders are ready to totally repeal Marijuana Prohibition, and are currently circulating and signing the Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Petition so every citizen in the state will benefit from it's passing this November.”

Tim Beck, Coalition for a Safer Michigan Chair-
"Neither of these poll numbers are any surprise. State Government has a very serious credibility problem. Many voters no longer believe the same tired rhetoric and excuses for inaction and incompetence. The Flint water crisis happened under the GOP's watch. Over the past four years, the Republican controlled Legislature has consistently blocked all reasonable efforts to even improve the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, which has overwhelming support across party lines. Citizens are righteously angry and there will be political blow back down the road before this is over.”

Tim Beck
Phone: 313-414-2058

Betty Aldworth

Timothy Locke
Phone: 989-832-6331