Monday, March 7, 2016

Strength in Numbers - by Adam L. Brook

     So here we are, about to celebrate the annual right of passage called THE ANN ARBOR HASH BASH April 2nd at HIGH Noon.....This will be the 45th.

     How we got to this point? I have that answer. WHY we are still protesting the insane marijuana law with a smoke in? Depends on who you ask. I never saw an end to HASH BASH while I spent 20+ years organizing the event. I figured once the law changed, we would have a yearly celebration. I never thought it would get as commercial as it had (I don’t consider guys hawking t-shirts on every corner commercial), let alone corporate where the speakers list reflects ONE group and not ALL groups....

     Now, How did we get to this point? Well there is strength in numbers. There were years where a handful of folks stood on the Diag and there were zero arrests.....then there was 12k people one year with 198 arrests. Then there were years like last year where copious amounts of weed was smoked and 3 people were arrested.

     Looks like we may have finally convinced the University that we are not worth arresting....we keep coming and in larger numbers...Plus we like to say FUCK YOU to THE MAN!

     I encourage you all to do two things....bring a few pre-rolls and share with those around you. It’s a smoke-in, so come smoke Saturday April 2nd at HIGH noon at the 45th Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash on the DIAG of the University of Michigan....I’m holding the ALB Invitational at Hash Bash this year. YOU all are invited to drop me a sample of your best....a prize to the best....I shouldn’t be hard to find....ask around....

    By time you read this there will be shops in Detroit who have closed in fear of the city’s new CAREGIVER CENTER ordinance. That’s sad. Medical Marijuana has been the best blight program Detroit has ever had....Over 200 formally vacant storefronts opened up and now, unless they get a variance MANY will HAVE to close. Me personally, if I was in the game, I would wait until I was shut down!

     But I understand....80 shops applied for a license on March 1st.....many more to come I hope.....

     Because I am later than late getting this in, you, my readers will benefit once again. It looks like as of this morning the Detroit City Clerk accepted two sets of petitions designed to revoke Detroit’s new medical marijuana dispensary licensing and zoning programs.

     Citizens for Sensible Cannabis Reform (CSCR) said the Clerk stamped and counted both sets of petitions determining that each separate set contains more than the 4,055 signatures as required by referendum law..... This was a great relief.

     However short lived.....By 11:30 The Detroit News said “The clerk said that her office received the petitions, which did meet the approximately 4,000 signatures required. They were then forwarded to the Law Department for review..

     But Detroit’s Corporation Counsel Melvin Butch Hollowell (google him, good reading) said the efforts challenging the zoning and licensing laws were done improperly under state law and City Charter and were invalid.

     On the zoning rules, the group would have had to file its challenge within seven days of publication of the ordinance, which was in January. For licensing, the group would have had to turn in its petition to the city clerk’s office before the day that the ordinance took effect, he said.

     Not sure what else to say other than EPIC FAIL. I hope I have to eat those words in next months column. The winner of last months contest was Aron K. He will receive a prize pack of a hoodie and stickers...

     This month TRIVIA question: Who was called The Jesus Christ of Marijuana, and a BONUS: Who penned that moniker? Text your answer to 313-999-0329.Questions, Comments or Complaints hit me up............

     Don’t forget to follow me on PERISCOPE....I do live broadcasts from The OMS Dab House, home of DETROIT DAB WARZ on Monday’s and Thursday’s plus I will PERISCOPE at HASH BASH
from the DIAG at HIGH NOON on Sat April 2nd....

Adam L. Brook
Periscope:Adam L Brook
FB: adamlbrook
Twitter: @mrhashbash