Lapeer County Prosecutor Tim Turkelson and Sheriff Ron Kalanquin both incumbents lost their reelection bids for the republican nominations. These two are well known for their hard-line stance against all medical marijuana activity in their county. Patients and caregivers are hoping that their replacements will show more compassion and stop the focus on marijuana users and redirect their efforts on the opiate, heroin and meth problems in the county. The initiative to legalize cannabis in Lapeer lost by just 5 votes in 2014, and this recent change in top enforcers could signal that Lapeer has finally overcome their reefer madness.
Otsego County Prosecutor, Mike Rola was also upset in the primary election this last August. Mike Rola is known for his draconian persecution of dispensaries in Gaylord, Michigan. Brennan Curran will most likely replace him next year signally to the leaders in the county that Medical Marijuana is not a top law enforcement priority and to leave the dispensaries alone. Last Year Gaylord passed a Marijuana Provisioning Ordinance and has several dispensaries currently operating. This victory came about because of the efforts of the Cannabis Stakeholders Group, Chad Marrow, and Al Witt and with support from Jolene Fowler, Danna Carver, Steve Sanders and Don Koshmider.
Don Koshmider |
However, the Michigan State Police (MSP) with multi-jurisdictional drug task forces TNT and SANE have not gotten the message. On July 11th, the home and business of Don Koshmider was raids by TNT and MSP. Don was arrested, charged, then after a huge showing of support at a pretrial hearing, the charges where dropped. As expected, the charges were reissued and Don is now facing life in prison because they found a small handful of ammunition in his house that belonged to his wife’s ex-husband. Don Koshmider has been helping patients for several years and has been attending many local town hall meetings and providing court support for raid victims throughout the state. He is hoping when he goes to trial those he supported around the state will have his back.
Peter O’Tooles and the Seed-To-Cure Family |
SANE raided the home of Peter O’Toole, creator of Seed-To-Cure, which is a not for profit group of patients and caregivers dedicated to helping seriously ill patients with concentrated hash oil, also known as Simpson oil. The home was located on the Bois Blanc Island and contained two gardens. Patients’ critical medicine was seized, as well as growing equipment. Homeland Security, the Coast Guard, as well as Mackinac county Sheriffs and MSP where all needed to hit this family’s home. With all the people that he has helped over the years Uncle Pete feels confident that they will win if charges are filed.