Wednesday, May 3, 2017

2017 Hash Bash in Review - by Ben Horner

Ann Arbor, MI:  As cannabis becomes more mainstream so, too, does the annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash, which was held in the typical tradition on the diag at the University of Michigan on the first Saturday of April. As the medical marijuana industry grows, it’s influence plays a more dynamic role in the festivities. The Monroe Street Fair, Cultivation Classes by Arbor Side, and the first Hash Bash Cup were the best examples, however local advocates like Captain Kirk and his mobile rolling tray added to the day’s ganja glory.

     Rhory Gould, and the crew from Arbor Side (a premier dispensary in A2), brought two expert legendary speakers, Danny Danko and Gorge Cervantes to teach a Cultivation Seminar.  Danko brought insightful strategies for entering the new commercial world of cannabis production.

Cervantes showed how outdoor cultivation is done around the world; complete with slides from grows in California, Oregon, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico and several others.

    Both Gorge and Danko joined other local Michigan speakers like Adam Brook and John Sinclair to deliver the Hash Bash commencements on campus. As the main speaker finished attendees filtered out onto the Monroe Street Fair. There, Charlie Strackbein and the crew from BDT organized the street vendors and live entertainment. The weather was warm and sunny, copious amounts of marijuana in every form was available to purchase from people at the fair.

    On the Eastside, Cory the Budtender and      Adam Brook took over the old Clarion hotel.  They booked the entire hotel and turned it into the biggest weed flea market east of the Mississippi. Hundreds of patients came to try just about every flavor of sticky buds made in Michigan. The event was so successful Brook is considering doing another later this summer.

     There are estimates of over ten thousand visitors to the Bash, making this year the largest attended Hash Bash in the event’s forty-seven year history.