Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol: a First in the USA? - by Tim Beck
On July 13 at the Polo Fields Golf and Country Club in Ann Arbor; what may be a historic first in statewide American cannabis legalization by voter initiative took place.
Approximately 75 cannabis reform activists were counted in the audience. They paid $250+ to have dinner, network and help fund a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana in Michigan in 2018.
The attendees represented of broad mix of donors from grass roots to grass tops. Members of powerful cannabis trade groups, business owners, and their lobbyists, mingled with members of grass roots organizations such as MI Legalize, Michigan NORML and the Safer Michigan Coalition among others.
Monday, July 10, 2017
A Safer Alternative to Big Pharma - by Rebecca Veenstra
Someone near and dear to me suffered a stroke last month. I was just going about my morning when suddenly I received a text saying she was in the hospital downstate having been taken to the emergency room from work with a numb face and elevated blood pressure. Her husband dropped everything to be by her side. Family picked up the kids from school and we all waited frantically by our phones for any news.
The doctors admitted her and she stayed the night in the hospital while they ran a battery of tests that we can only hope insurance will cover. Now, she is home and thankfully her mind and body are functioning fine. The kids were just told Mom had some tests run. So, they were spared the trauma of the actual diagnosis. What was the diagnosis you ask?
GROW TIP: Aquaponics - by Ben Horner
Aquaponics is the production of food for plants utilizing hydroponics and the processing of fish, or other marine life’s waste into nitrates that can feed plants that are connected to the system. If done right, a completely self-sustained system that is truly organic can be developed. These systems are for advanced hydroponic growers and require constant monitoring. Due to the organic nature of how aquaponics work, not all strains and growing techniques work well in conjunction with these systems. Although once a balance is achieved, watching fish and plants live in symbiotic harmony is an awe-inspiring.
The Local Indoor Grow Store - by Ben Horner
Caro: Cliff, owner of the Local Indoor Grow Store (LIGS), has been a grower for years. After a failed commercial cultivation attempt at the Russell Industrial center in Detroit, he decided to share his experience and knowledge with others; he opened LIGS in Columbiaville, Michigan. After a degree of success LIGS opened a second store in Caro Michigan.
“I first got into this for economic reasons,” Cliff admits. “Now, I don’t care about the money.”
Free the Weed 76 - by John Sinclair
Highest greetings from Detroit, where I’m spending most of the summer rather unexpectedly due to some unanticipated old-age medical issues that emerged while I was in Amsterdam, and I wanted to get back to my superb primary care providers at the Rosa Parks Senior Citizens Clinic at the Detroit Medical Center before it got to be too late.
I don’t think its anything to be alarmed about, but the terrible thing about getting older and older is that things start happening to your body and you don’t know what they mean, so you tend to quake in fear until you can figure out what’s happening to you. In the immortal words of Fred Sanford, Could this be the big one?
VGIP UPDATE: July 2017 - by Ben Horner
Lansing: The first meeting of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Licensing Board was held June 26th. Patients, caregivers, as well as current and aspiring business folks interested in obtaining one of the licenses authorized by the Marijuana Facilities Act, signed into law last year by governor, attended the meeting in large numbers.
The MMML board, made of five members, will be appointing an expanded advisory board that will require financial disclosures. Michigan Senator Rick Jones(R), who was in attendance, chairs the board. Jones is well known by medical marijuana activists for sponsoring legislation that adds restrictions to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program, including stoned/impaired driving legislation and most recently a bill to restrict advertising of medical marijuana to the general public, such as billboards.
World News for July 2017 - by Rachel Bunting

England: Some of the world’s leading experts on cannabis have come together to create a review called the Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines. These experts have examined the, unfortunately, few scientific research-based studies available and have complied 10 important tips to reduce health risks when using marijuana.
1. Understand that there is no such thing as a “risk-free” drug. The only way to guarantee your health will not be effected by cannabis is to not use it.
2. The most adverse health and social reactions to marijuana happen to those that began using before the age of 16. Researchers recommend delaying the use of marijuana until after the age of 16 to minimize health problems.
3. Avoid strains that have high THC and low CBD. This is recommended because CBD has been proven to contain medical benefits.
National News for July 2017 - by Rachel Bunting

Oregon: A recent study conducted by researchers at Oregon Health and Science University has found that people who use marijuana five or more times a month tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who do not. Researchers presented their findings saying, “Heavy users of cannabis had lower mean BMI compared to that of never users, with a mean BMI being 26.7 kg/m in heavy users and 28.4 kg/m in never users.” The study also found that regular marijuana users tend to be more physically active than sporadic or non-users. While this study is new, it is not the first of its kind and the results are unsurprising. A study published in the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics last year suggested the same conclusions regarding marijuana and BMI. A 2013 paper in the American Journal of Medicine claimed there was a correlation between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences. While researchers have been unable to identify the reason for the correlation, they believe that those who regularly consume marijuana ‘may be able to more easily break down blood sugar, which may prevent weight gain.’
Michigan News for July 2017 - by Rachel Bunting

Tinted Windows Lead to Arrest
Worth Township: State police pulled over a 36-year-old St. Clair County man for a window tint violation late last month. Police found reason to search the man’s vehicle where they found more than 17 pounds of marijuana. The dried flowers were found in 32 vacuumed-sealed bags near $6,433, which was also seized. The owner of the vehicle was taken to the Sanilac County Jail to face charges of marijuana delivery.
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