Thursday, August 30, 2018

Grow Tip - Top 10 Tips for Terrific Crops

1 Light Supplements

One of the best uses of power when growing indoors is employing fluorescent bulbs to supplement your lighting. Fluorescent lights, such as T-5s or CFLs (compact fluorescents) not only offer some of the best light spectrum for plants, they also are very efficient with electricity usage and emit very little heat. Additionally, fluorescents can be placed lower on side walls to better penetrate the garden canopy and effectively get light to the middle-third of your plants.

2 Proper Genetics

Good cannabis genetics is everything. Give a grower a 1K HID and bad genetics and I will show you a grower who has fared far better with fluorescents and good genetics. Give a grower a 1K HID with good genetics and they are superman. Behind every stunning grow, breathtaking bud photograph, every unbelievably gorgeous dazzling bag of bud, every memorable cannabis experience, is someone who paid for good genetics to begin with. A thousand dollar grow room is ineffective without the right DNA put into it.

3 Sparkling Clones

I discovered the benefits of sparkling water a few years ago as another grower’s tip and have never seen anyone else mention using it. Purchase yourself a bottle of sparkling mineral water for your clones. Fresh cuttings off a mother plant crave the tiny carbonated bubbles and the essential minerals. Placing your fresh cuttings in a cup of mineral water before using your cloning solution will make your clones root faster and increase survival rates. Make sure you grab the unflavored sparkling water as its pure and clean. Bubbles are a happy sound to the plants and they will soon show their approval with quick abundant roots.

4 Grow Organic

Save time and money in the grow room, “Go Organic”. Not only will you save time and money but it will also help lessen your carbon footprint and provide you with higher quality cannabis that burns properly. Go green = Grow green. We already have an over-dependence on petrochemicals so why pour fertilizers made of these substandard ingredients on our plants. I say no!  Grow organic it won’t only change your grow room it will change your life.

5 Transitional Feeding

Plants don’t need flowering food until you’ve got flowers forming. Keep plants on full strength vegetative nutrients through the first week of flowering for indicas and second week for sativas. Then combine both veg and bloom for a week, before going to straight bloom.
6 Green Light
It’s important to catch pests, infestations and molds early and act immediately. Powdery mildew on foliage surfaces and insect secretions can be difficult to see under your bright grow light.  However they can be seen at night with a green headlight or a UVB light. Mildew and poop appear to glow under a UVB light on plant leaves..Take a look!

7 Stay Organized

Make your own footprints in the path of growing, but allow the wealth of knowledge that is already out there to be your guide. Don’t get stuck in your own methods. Too much pride in your growing style, or fear of failure, will limit you. Your plants are what you make them. A perpetual harvest cycle allows you to individualize your techniques for each plant’s specific nutrient and water needs. Organization lends less work, change one thing at a time and have patience. When you find something worth sharing, keep the growing community alive and don’t bogart your knowledge. Pass that stuff around.

8 Plant Lift

The best advice ever given to me was from granny who taught me to pick up the pots on her patio to feel the weight of the plants before watering to avoid overwatering. Always listen to your plants. They’ll tell you when they need more food, water or air. Treat them as the living wonderful beings that they are, and they will reward you with a wonderful crop.

9 Super Cropping

Pinching, twisting, and bending the tops of plants are all forms of super-cropping. Doing this benefit your plants, garden and growing space considerably by preventing plant stretching and waste of valuable space and light. Super-cropping can be performed during almost any stage of a plant’s life, from well-rooted and established clones all the way into the middle stage of flowering (although bending is preferable to pinching at that time). If you haven’t tried some form of super cropping, try a few of these techniques and see what works best for you and your plants

10 All You Need is Patience

The thing that was hardest to learn and I wish I still had more of, is patience. You can never have enough of it when you’re growing, and you need even more when you’re curing your herb. Don’t rush the process, let it grow, let it dry.  Keep it simple, keep it clean and keep it green.