Monday, April 1, 2019

Grow Tips - April 2019

In Michigan, an outdoor grow is only legal if done in a specific manner.  Collectively, judges have defined "locked and enclosed facility" through a number of case opinions.  Paraphrasing from disparate jurisdictions, the judges collectively require six planes (roof, four walls, and floor).  Must be accessable to those without a key only if tools are required to enter (the enclosure must not be susceptable to spontaneous, casual break-in).  It also must not, by itself, be "bait", making known that it is a grow.

Many outdoor growers do soil testing which can give great insight as to what to feed their plants.  Using peat based soil from the grow store to fill in is perfect.  They don't make the planting hole much bigger than a 15 gallon pot.  SkunkWerks is highly recommended to keep those plants healthy, vibrant, and at maximum production.  Because it is an ionic all-in-one product, the plant will only take up what it needs through the roots.  Advanced outdoor growers use three ounces of SkunkWerks All-In-One mixed with five gallons of water, one to two times per week, watering with straight water the rest of the time.  This is the cheapest way to go to produce west coast quality buds.

Plan on giving each plant plenty of space to grow.  Green houses are great, but they get crowded in.  Chain link fence is a favorite, allowing greatest air flow and flexible construction.