“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”
-Aldous Huxley
Now turn on your TV. Flick your tablet out of hibernation. Whip out your mobile device. Check out the news. Jump onto Twitter, or Facebook.
The perception of life in America has changed rather drastically in the past four months. The interesting thing about it is, the only thing that changed is what was on TV. What was subsequently being ‘shared’, thought about, talked about, and acted upon. Because the truth of the matter is, life in America has been changing rather drastically for decades, and yet nothing ever really changes. Out of the crock-pot and into the microwave, so to speak.
Welcome to Tin-foil Hat Time! Still with me? Cool.
One should not have to preface every original thought with virtue signals indicating obvious moral points. What do I mean? Racism is wrong. Cops killing citizens is wrong. Everyone should know this, and no one should have to say this before expressing themselves. However, and of interesting note, racism is a subcategory of a thing called a blanket stereotype, and cops killing citizens is a subcategory of a thing called murder. I believe both of those things are wrong, as well as every single subcategory thereof.
I’m also one of these crazy people who believes in innocence until guilt is proven, fair trials based on evidence, a global conspiracy to take over the lives of free individuals by a corrupt international institution of lies, and in the old adage of looking before you leap.
Is there definitive evidence that the cop is a racist? What happened before the arrest, why were the police involved? Did they know each other, as some sources report? What is the cop’s history? The victim’s? Why would you chill on your car, as the 911 call reveals, and wait for the cops to come? Over a pack of smokes? The move is authorized for use by his department, why is the pig being punished for what is essentially corporate barnyard policy? Why isn’t anyone mad at Asians? Why did they give George such a ritualistic and extravagant, spit to the face of anyone told they could not have a family funeral due to Covid, style funeral? What in the hell does a bunch of indoctrinated college students taking over seven blocks of a city have to do with racism or police brutality? Why is the wound 400 years old, and not thousands? Do people honestly believe ignorantly destroying only American history is the solution? Why do these perfectly rational questions make me racist?
Questions are what should be asked. Questions reveal the truth. Questions make sense of situations that are confusing and chaotic. Questions are a key part of basic human nature. So why are we called names and censored and ridiculed for asking questions?
The answer, I believe, is simple. Because this is not about getting to the bottom of a specific incident and ensuring ‘justice’, or in Covids case ‘science’, this is about sowing the seeds of discord and division. This is about killing any remaining semblance of unity this nation has. This is about controlling public opinion in order to manipulate minds into agreeing with things that one would normally not. This is about the destruction of a country whose heart and constitution stand polar opposite that of central authoritarianism and group ideology. This is about using propaganda to get one set of people to forget that another set is human.
After all, propagandists are why protesters and rioters are being lumped together, creating the perfect protest-riot hybrids. All eyes are right, and wrong. Evil looters destroy innocent communities and statues, seemingly oblivious to their racial make-up or historical context, in the same images and on the same screens as peaceful mourners protesting. The propagandists tell us “This is their voice!” and “Look, it’s White Supremicsts and ANTIFA!”, as half of America turns its ire toward the other half of America, each seeing what they choose, and anyone opposed is no longer deemed human. Exact same playbook as Covid, rumor billed as truth, distorting perspective, resulting in division where it once was not.
Propaganda is the only reason there were five days of hybridized protest-riots that spread to the globe before the cop was even charged. Police of all races kill people of all races. Police die needlessly too, murdered in cold blood for wearing a badge. All over the world. Would anyone outside of George Floyd’s family even know if not for the propagandists? My cousin was murdered in 2001 by a criminal. No one says his name. How many can say the same? More blatant cases of both police brutality and racism were skipped by the national news. Propagandists chose this particular story among a million. But why?

What happens when a sea of people, who were convinced by propagandists of a verdict without evidence and of character without having ever met the individuals, are told by the propagandists that the reason he walks is systemic racism? Injustice? White people? Trump? The very existence of the United States of America? Rather than the results of a trial in which he was found innocent of the overblown charges the propagandists told everyone were true before charges were even filed, let alone a court date set or a verdict reached?
Of course, this whole thing could also be one big part of the operation known as Covid. The propagandists stop talking about Covid and drop the ‘protests are bad for quarantine’ narrative, reducing the number of people testing, which creates a false lull, so they can then put Covid back in the news and balloon the testing numbers, conjuring up a second wave. Then the powers that be can institute totalitarian and intrusive ‘new norms’ on our children this fall, that will slowly grow and grow to encompass their adult life over time, while we are all worried or angry about the latest propaganda, too busy dehumanizing our fellow countrymen and casting foresight to the wind. A multi-edged sword always cuts the best. Rigging pseudo-elections between puppets is for amateurs.
Think the President is going to save the world from the big bad illuminati? Tune in next month for the Tinfoil Hat truth about Donald “Agent Orange” Trump!
Assuming I’m not buried under a mountain of hate mail in the meantime.