Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Michigan News - July 2020

MRA Announces New Topic-Based Rule Sets

In a June 22nd email from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) announced a new topic-based administrative rule set.  These ten topic-based rule sets will cover both the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA) and the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA).  

Effective June 22nd, the email states, applicants must use the updated applications and resources, now posted to the MRA website.  All previous medical and adult-use application forms will no longer be accepted.  The state is also encouraging applicants to use the online application portal Accela Citizen Access (ACA), service provided by a private company, Accela, who specializes in government software.  ACA will also be updated to conform with the new topic-based rules.

The state highlights the following changes as the most noteworthy:

  • Results in a single set of rules for all applicants including all application requirements
  • Extended prequalification period from 1-year to 2-years
  • Added that a safety compliance facility may be co-located with a non-MRA lab under certain circumstances
  • Increased the timeframe for secure transporters to maintain product from 48 hours to 96 hours
  • Changed waste rules to allow recycling and composting of marijuana plant waste that has not been treated with hazardous chemicals
  • Changed delivery so that it can be dynamic, drivers can have inventory in their vehicle and be dispatched from delivery to delivery
  • Added a rule creating allowances to be issued by the agency if a licensee becomes GMP or GACP-GMP certified
  • A grower may transfer or sell marijuana to a processor without it being tested to produce live resin or concentrate with approval
  • Allows remediation of chemical residue pursuant to the remediation protocol
  • Allows remediation of microbials pursuant to the remediation protocol
  • Allows more retesting of products
  • All non-marijuana derived inactive ingredients, other than botanical terpenes, must be listed on the label, below FDA approved levels, and approved for the intended use of the product
The full details can be found at:

Recall Whitmer Campaign Underway

The Committee to Recall Governor Gretchen Whitmer received unanimous approval from the Board of State Canvassers on Monday, June 8th, to begin collecting signatures.  The campaign begins drive up canvassing on July 1st.

According to their website, the committee cites specific Executive Orders (2020-04, 17, 21, 32, 33, 42, 67, 68, and 92) as reasoning for the recall.  Many Michiganders think these orders were in direct conflict with the constitution and bill of rights and crippled Michigans’ economy unnecessarily.

The situation is tricky though, due to Whitmer’s Stay Home Stay Safe order.  The website explains ‘drive up canvassing’ in its timeline of important dates, “People can fill out their form from this website and either drive them to a canvassing location or send the signatures via mail.”  

While attempting to recall a sitting Governor who has complete executive control and continuously renews states of emergency which shutter public spaces and force events to cancel may seem like a daunting task, volunteers and participants are passionate about their cause, and hopeful that Michiganders will answer their call.  

Anyone wishing to volunteer, participate, or find out where and how to sign a petition should visit:

Adult-Use Out Buys Medical Weed In Michigan

According to an MLive article that uses data provided by the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA), rec weed has out sold medical marijuana for the first time since legalization.  In the week of June 8th to June 14th a reported $9.97 million in medical sales took place.  Recreational cannabis inched its way ahead with $10.02 million in reported sales.

MLive, and other cannabis news outlets, are also stating that since adult-use sales began in Michigan, patient counts have dropped 7% in total.

MLive quoted Steve Linder, president of the Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association, who consider their members the GM, Ford, and Chrysler of Michigan weed, “This is a trend in every state...Almost every state has medical first...And then when people get used to it and they go to recreational...and you see this dramatic shift away from medical.  The market is just still really in an upward trajectory.”

The government provided data indicates that adult-use marijuana sales have sky-rocketed since December.  In the same time period medical sales have nearly doubled, compared to adult-use sales which are up 800%.  

MLive says the industry credits “quick action” by the governor and the MRA for classifying both medical, and adult-use recreational, marijuana as essential during the governors ordered shutdown.  Spokesman for the MRA, David Harns, complemented state licensing employees as well for “a great job over the last several months quickly issuing licenses for the adult-use marijuana industry” and for not having “missed a beat, even after having to adjust to doing their work remotely due to the coronavirus.”

At the time of this writing, the state of Michigan has collected over $22.9 million in taxes from just recreational marijuana sales since December of 2019.