Friday, September 11, 2020

VGIP 2020 Voters Guide



The VGIP has made an effort to fairly grade this coming November’s presidential candidates on their marijuana records, past actions, and future promises.  Here are the grades for the four candidates on the ballot for 2020:

Donald Trump: C

While this rating may be unpopular, thus far in his four years in political office Trump has done nothing to either hinder, nor help, marijuana.  His administration brought Hemp into the Farm Bill, and has indicated they would sign legalization measures should they move through the appropriate channels.  However, as marijuana is still federally illegal, his government does continue to enforce the current laws, and seems uninterested in being the ones to initiate the change.

Joe Biden: D+

It is well known that Joe Biden is not a friend of marijuana or drug users.  Having been in a position of power since 1973, he has done nothing to further marijuana legalization in those 47 years.  To the contrary, he is an architect of the war on drugs, including asset forfeture laws that have helped keep people in poverty for decades.  The MM Report featured Biden with devil horns on the May 2019 cover for good reason, he was one of the least weed friendly candidates on the Democrat primary stage.  However, his ticket’s recent statements regarding decriminalizing marijuana on the federal level could indicate a slight change of heart when it comes to pot, saving Biden from a flat out ‘E’.

Jo Jorgensen: A+

When it comes to advocating for legalization Jo Jorgensen gets an all around A+.  The Libertarian candidate not only openly speaks in favor of legal marijuana, she keeps going, and going.  From all drugs, to prostitution, to any act that harms no other individual, she wants it legal.  While she has not served in office, she ran as the Libertarian VP candidate in 1996.  Jorgensen took time to speak with us over the phone in our July 2020 issue, and is unafraid to show full support for federal legalization as well as the release of federal prisoners.

Howie Hawkins: A

The Green Party’s Howie Hawkins is no stranger to a ballot, having run in the State of New York more than 20 times.  His website boasts a page devoted directly to the legalization of marijuana, but takes things a step further.  Hawkins ticket would actively prevent tobacco, pharma, and other large industries from taking over nationally, however the webpage does not specify how.  His idea of legalization includes many aspects of social equity, including preventing marijuana taxes from being used for drug enforcement, but rather “grants to entrepreneurs of color, and aiding businesses and communities hit hardest by the drug war.”  Hawkins has also never served in office.