Friday, March 12, 2021

Tinfoil Hat time! March 2021


‘Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.’

– George Orwell, ‘1984'

In this new political climate of 2021 it is important that we all understand what the party expects.  Unity, for no other reason than unity itself, has been threatened by those who think outside party doctrine.  Those whose ideas threaten the very foundations of the party’s new order.

Individual liberty, and with it thought, action, speech and political opinion, have for far too long stood in the way of safeguarding the goals of the party.  Only with unified thought, which brings unified action, speech, and opinion, can the dream be made real.  Only in silencing dangerous dissent, by any means necessary, can the party secure the future and thus the future of mankind.  Therefore the party encourages everyone to become familiar with spotting sedition.

The party is hope.  The party is change.  The party is love.  The party is life. 

The party is the soul of America.

The only thing the party is not, is Tinfoil Hat Time!

That last statement is a direct example of sedition.  It should be known that the party is all things, and that nothing can be allowed to exist outside the party.  To even think any aspect of any thing can function outside the limits of party thinking, and without the blessing of the party, is exceptionally dangerous.

Blatant displays of sedition and violence against the party can not, and will not, be tolerated.  Violent rhetoric has no place in a peaceful world built on love.  Open acts of sedition, real or imagined, are a direct threat to order and without order the goals of the party can not come to fruition.  Examples include: speaking negatively about party doctrine and/or party members, exercising a fictitious right to the antiquated ideas known as the first and second amendments, and refusing to accept truths as handed down by party friendly for profit broadcast and media corporations.   Anyone engaging in such behavior must be punished.  Censorship should be utilized immediately, followed by termination.

Violent sedition?  While the image is graphic, and of a political nature, the head does not belong to a party member, which means this image is acceptable.  Don’t worry, in time the art of separating sedition from party propaganda will become second nature.

While this method of overt defiance may seem easy to spot, be warned, sedition comes in many forms.  Silence, and non-compliance, are often the most malicious of these shapes.  Examine the following image:

Silent sedition stands out in a crowd, but quietly rots from within when not detected soon enough.

Notice anything?  In direct defiance of unity a single man stands non-compliant.  Disdainfully questioning authority with the use of nothing but his face, his in-action, and his silence.  Choosing not to unify with the whole.  Choosing to disobey the clear order of things set down by the elected powers that be.

This covert act of sedition is much harder to detect.  Only by the grace of the crowd does this man stand out so obvious.  When alone, or in smaller groups, it becomes much harder to detect silent individual dissent.  The invisible tentacles of sedition worm their way into the heart and mind, encourage free thought, and challenge the official narrative.  This can not be allowed.  

You see, it is not enough to simply stand with the party.  One must be actively anti-non-party.  The party is morality, and justice, and the embodiment of love and kindness.  The party is the corporeal manifestation of ‘right’.  No doctrine outside the party can be ‘just’, or ‘moral’, or anything but ‘wrong’.  Only ignorance, lack of education, hate, or malice, can be responsible for those who hold non-party ideas.

Pro Tip: When routing sedition from your neighborhood be sure to check attics and basements.

It must become the sworn duty of all party members to defend the party from all domestic enemies.  Take care!  Non-party members come in all sizes and shapes.  All genders, all races, all backgrounds are susceptible to the dangers of non-party conspiracy theory.  Ignorance knows no financial status, or religion, either.  Meanwhile, the enemies of the party are many.  Some estimates place them at approximately 50%, or more, of the U.S. population.  Co-workers, friends, close family, even lovers may be guilty of silent sedition.  It is important to remember that closet sedition is no less dangerous, or immoral, than open flamboyant sedition.  All those who erroneously stand outside the borders of party thinking must be outed, and routed from soceity before irrepairable harm can be done.

On that note, it is important to devote some time to the topic of non-party members in power.  Despite the parties best efforts, not all positions of leadership have been filled with party members.  These rogue agents of chaos dare to use their position to echo the backward sentiments of their seditionist constituents, rather than governing responsibly and adhering to party doctrines and propaganda.  Such devious abuse of power can not stand, now more than ever.

The party expects, in the spirit of being actively anti-non-party, every member to aim their animosity at non-party members in power.  Give them no leeway, no slack.  Dehumanize them in every way.  They too must be outed, and more importantly, destroyed.  Leaving committee powers, or any act of governance, in the hands of seditionists will only legitimize their false positions and further threaten the stability of unity.

For future reference, it should be known that any vote cast for a non-party member can not be considered legitimate.  Only the party stands for peace and love.  Only the party uplifts the poor and downtrodden.  Only the party can be moral.  Only the party can keep us safe.  Immorality, greed, hate and ignorance have no place in a forward thinking system of government, and therefore have no place as motivators when choosing elected officials.  

By learning to spot sedition in all it’s many forms, knowing how to react, and staying vigilant, the party will prevail.  This new world of truth, love, and unity, will not permit individual liberty to once again delay the future.  Rest assured this social revolution has just begun and by correcting for the past, while securing the present, the party will safeguard its future.