Wednesday, April 28, 2021

National News - May 2021


Will Biden Say No?

Washington, D.C. - White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, on March 30th stated that President Biden’s position on marijuana has stayed the same. She stated Biden, “spoke about this on the campaign” and that he “believes in decriminalizing the use of marijuana, but his position has not changed” on other marijuana reforms.

The briefing can be seen on YouTube link: with specific questions from reporters about Biden’s current stance on federal marijuana reform and Psaki’s response.

Gallop and Pew Research Center polls show 70 to 80 percent of Democrats, and 55 percent of Republicans in the United States, are in support of federal legalization.

With Senator Chuck Schumer’s, Democrat, New York, support, and the recent high Republican support in Washington, a shift in Biden’s view would seem likely to follow; however, it seems unlikely.

It is still an unanswered question if Biden will sign a vote to federally legalize marijuana.

Tobacco State Meets Marijuana

Virginia - Virginia Democrat, Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, voted and ended the 20-20 lock to legalize the possession of an ounce of marijuana right in time for the beginning of summer, on July 1, 2021 in the 300-page bill. The vote was backed by Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam. The original date was set for January 1, 2024.

The birthplace of America is still debating on when it will be legal to purchase cannabis at dispensaries, though it was voted that Virginians can legally grow up to four marijuana plants beginning July 1st as well. A debate on when consumers can purchase from dispensaries is still going on.  As it stands now, cannabis cannot be purchased at a dispensary until 2024. It should be noted, with the new law, medical dispensaries will not be able to sell to all adults.

Climbing the Hills to Legalize in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania - Legislation is beginning with several Pennsylvania House Representatives to legalize cannabis. The idea proposed would be to have a state store system.

The Bill was sent to the House Liquor Control Committee. Residents of the state of trees over the age of 21 could purchase marijuana with proof of age.

Tax revenue (they proposed a 19 percent sales tax by the customer) for the state, lowering small possession charges, the dollars the state will save processing the small charges, and creating jobs are reasons the Bill is being pursued.

Senate Wants to Celebrate 4/20 2022

Washington, DC - Chuck Schumer, Democrat, New York, on the Senate floor on 4/20 2021 called for federal prohibition on Marijuana to end on 4/20 2022.

On his Twitter account @SenSchumer he wrote: “We must end the federal prohibition on marijuana and repair the damage of the War on Drugs.” Also, on the tweet he wrote: “I’m proud to work with @SenBooker & @SenBooker on comprehensive marijuana reform legislation in the Senate.”

Senator Ron Wyden, on April 21, Democrat from Oregon, responded to Schumer’s tweet. He wrote:” It’s past time to end the federal prohibition of cannabis. @SenBooker @SenSchumer and I are working hard to get it done this year.”

Cory Booker, Democrat Senator of New Jersey, also on April 21, wrote on his Twitter account: “It’s about time we have a focused conversation about legalizing marijuana across this country. But in the same breath, we must talk about restorative justice & the urgent need to uplift minority communities that have been destroyed by the failed drug war.”

Maybe with the push from these three far reaching Senators 4/20/22 will be a Federal marijuana celebration.