Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Michigan News - June 2021


Linder Gives Interview, MICIA Calls for Boycott

Michigan - In a May 17, 2021 interview with Grown Ins’ Mike Fourcher, the Michigan Cannabis Manufacturer’s Association (MCMA) advocate and Republican activist Steve Linder openly stated that his organization plans to spearhead efforts to remove all unlicensed marijuana from Michigan.

When asked what laws he would pass if he could he responded, “Well, the first law that I would want to pass is a law that would start to get at the non-licensed supply out in the marketplace.  We have a huge supply of cannabis that’s not in the licensed market.  And it’s not tested.  We don’t know where it’s grown, we don’t know who’s growing it.  People are not employing, they’re not investing in infrastructure, they’re not paying taxes.  So, we have to get at the unregulated supply and that law needs to be passed.  And we’re going to lead the charge.”

Grown In then asked Linder to state a second law he would like to see pass.  “I think that the second law is not really a law but it’s what you referenced earlier.  I believe that the medical and the adult-use statutes need to be merged, aligned, and streamlined,” Linder stated.  In the interview he also supports the use of police to help combat the unlicensed markets, “Law enforcement has a very vital role to play.” 

Recent efforts at the local level to limit and remove growing rights from individual homeowners via ordinances have sprung up all over the state of Michigan.  Most are met with protests by concerned caregiver advocates, none with crowds of citizens supporting the removal of caregiver rights.

While the MCMA’s opinion of caregivers is no secret, their representatives have been talking about merging the two markets since day one of legalization, this article has spurred Michigan Cannabis Industry Association (MiCIA) friendly personalities Rick Thompson and Jamie Lowell to launch a boycott of all MCMA businesses.

Grown In was founded in February 2020, the interviews author, Mike Fourcher, is a co-founder.

A brief glance at his Linked In profile reveals a history with Democrat ties.  Fourcher worked as a staff assistant at Podesta Associates in ‘95-’96, then became a legislative assistant to Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez in 1997, then proceeded to work under the Clinton administration at the U.S. Department of Energy from 1998-2001, before moving on to form many businesses and consulting firms prior to starting and writing for Grown In.

MiCIA, the competition of MCMA, has open ties to the Democrat party.  The MMR reported last spring on MiCIA influencing the decisions made at Governor Whitmers office concerning the categorizing of adult-use marijuana as essential, and on the hosting of only Democrat politicians at the virtual hash bash in April 2021.  

The full interview can be found at: https://grownin.com/2021/05/17/advocate-for-michigans-biggest-cannabis-companies-explains-why-hes-unhappy-with-caregivers/

The author and interviewers Linked In profile can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikefourcher/

Flushing Officials Dismiss Almost All Caregiver Input

Flushing - The battle for caregiver rights in Flushing took a turn for the worse, as officials disregarded all but one recommendation.  

Pandering to local activists, the township initially declared it would work with caregivers to craft a law that worked for everyone.  It was then discovered that they had only accepted one suggestion, changing the required lot size from 5 acres down to 2 acres.  Every other aspect of the ordinance that advocates disapproved were still included.

A second protest was then organized for the May 13th meeting of the Board of Trustees where advocates once again voiced their opposition.  Officials then agreed to remove the 2-acre requirement entirely, but still wish to keep random inspections, square foot requirements, the outright banning of outdoor growing, and other unnecessary intrusions into private lives.

Draft 4 will be read on Thursday June 10th, where marijuana advocates are again asking citizens to show up and lend support.  To voice your approval of outdoor growing and caregiver rights to Flushing Township Supervisor Frederick Thorsby call (810) 659-0800.

Please note that this story is developing and changing rapidly.  An internet search for Flushing Township ordinances, specifically draft four of the home occupations text amendment, will allow you to read the most current proposed changes.