Wednesday, September 29, 2021

National News - October 2021


Sanders Take on Federalization

USA - Bernie Sanders, Independent, Senator from Vermont, is always leaning forward. It is no surprise that he is continuing to push Federal Marijuana Legalization as it stalls at the Capitol.

Sanders said in August, “My own view is that the so-called war on drugs has been an abysmal failure. You are seeing state after state after state legalizing marijuana.”

 He continued to state, “I would legalize marijuana nationally. I am supportive of that. But we are making some progress in state after state.”

Sanders is stated as saying this summer that he and Biden have differences of opinion on Marijuana reform. “Joe Biden and I on marijuana—I think the war on drugs has been just a disaster for this country, for the African-American community. I think it should end. I think marijuana should be legalized. We could do that fairly simply. But yeah, so we have differences.”

Pardon Me Biden

USA - Last month it was reported that Biden was considering clemency for all non-violent federal inmates. 150 celebrities, pro athletes, activists, Governors, and state and law enforcement officials, and leaders in many fields of business wrote to President Biden asking for “complete” pardon for all federal cannabis offenders signed on September 14, 2021

An excerpt of the letter reads: “This resolve is witnessed today in both red and blue states, from coast to coast, as the American people call for an end to marijuana prohibition. Whatever one thinks of other drugs and other defendants, incarcerating marijuana offenders in federal prisons is a misuse of our nation’s resources and grossly hypocritical, given that a clear majority of Americans oppose marijuana prohibition and about half admit to using the drug during their lifetime.5 It also stands against the arc of history and the principle of federalism: nearly three-quarters of the states have now abandoned the federal government’s blanket criminal ban in favor of safe, regulated legal access to marijuana for adults and/or those with qualifying medical conditions.“

Last year, a Reuters report showed 60 percent of United States adults are in favor of medical and recreational cannabis legalization.

Up in Maine

Maine, USA - Marijuana sales were up in Maine in the month of August. According to Cannabis Business Times sales were $10.2 million and the sales tax revenue was $1.2 million. These amounts were record-breaking for the state.

Regulators credit the raise in sales to summer tourism.

Maine became the 8th State in the United States to become legalized in 2016.

The Pine Tree State has 53 licensed state retailers. Nine new stores opened in August. Maine is the 12th smallest state in the United States.

Instagram Censoring Marijuana Still?

Internet - According to a recent report from MJBiz Canada Instagram may be discontinuing accounts that are related to marijuana.

Large Instagram account holders such as Bambury, who work with Wiz Khalifa and Weedmaps and who have 200,000 followers, have been flagged for violations and accounts have been deactivated.

Instagram is owned by Facebook. MjBizDaily’s Instagram account was reportedly closed on June 25th, but later reinstated, according to the article.

“The platform’s terms of service are clear: No brand can sell or promote sales of drugs on their page. But many cannabis marketers who insist they are following the rules, as well as many non-cannabis-selling entities – from accessories and ancillary firms to advocacy and equity groups – complain that even their accounts are being deactivated more often,” stated the MJBiz Canada article.