Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ferndale Fungus? 


Ferndale Fungus? 

by Ben Horner

 Decriminalize Nature Ferndale spoke to its City Council on May 9th, and requested a resolution to decriminalize all plants for medicinal purposes, particularly mycological and entheogenic ones. Co-founders of the group, Kelsey Taylor and Billy Horton as well as many other community members spoke in support. 

Decriminalize Nature Michigan is now circulating a statewide petition to legalize possessing, cultivating and sharing psychedelics. It is titled Michigan Initiative for Community Healing. The petition was filed by Students foe a Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) in February of this year.  If the signature gatherers acquire the 340,047 valid signatures by June first of this year the voters of Michigan would be able to vote on the issue this year. To date there is no paid profession circulators or solid polling that is typically needed for a successful statewide campaign.

Ann Arbor, Detroit and Hazel Park have all decriminalized the adult use of entheogenic plants, making Michigan a leader nationally in the movement. Oregon is the only state to legalize entheogenic plants for medical purposes.

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