Wednesday, July 6, 2022

GOP Candidate Ryan Kelley—Criminal or Hero?


GOP Candidate Ryan Kelley—Criminal or Hero?
MMR Publisher Ben Horner sits down with politician Ryan Kelley

by Ben Horner

Gretchen Whitmer will face one of the GOP candidates in the midterm elections this November, but first, in the August primary, Michiganders must decide what kind of Republican candidate should run against her. In May 2020, this magazine looked at Whitmer’s record as a governor from a libertarian perspective and found her to be an establishment governor who has allowed overregulation to support big marijuana, and the magazine questioned her use of power. The Michigan Marijuana Report also covered a protest in Lansing that questioned her policy. The protest was led by various groups that brought armed civilians to the capital for a peaceful protest. 

(GR Code) caption: Link to May 2020 article on Whitmer

Michigan Democrats have pushed a social equity policy on cannabis that has failed to make the cannabis industry one for small business owners and caregivers who pioneered medical marijuana here and led the grassroots movement to legalize cannabis in Michigan. Old-school Republicans have often shown brazen hostility to marijuana, but constitutional conservatives, libertarians, and Trump supporters have changed the Republican base.

In a recent upset, fraudulent signature gatherers cashed in on five GOP candidates for governor in Michigan, forcing candidates like James Craig, a Black Republican, off the ballot. As many cannabis activists here in Michigan know, always double-check the signatures on your petition against the list of registered voters and look for obvious clues like handwriting and ink to determine if the signatures aren’t being faked by a person looking to get paid to collect valid ones. When the dust settled, Ryan Kelley, a political outsider, made the cut, as well as four other candidates. This cut the choice of GOP candidate in half.

 So, who is Ryan Kelley? Well, he is not a super-rich political insider supported by the old regime of the Republican party. He is a criminal, according to the FBI, which recently arrested him for attending the January 6 rally, or insurrection if you like. Cannabis activists remember just how recently we had to protest here in Michigan to protect our rights to use medical marijuana. We decided to reach out to Kelley and he responded personally, and not through a campaign person, which was refreshing.

Q: Ryan Kelley, how do you feel about cannabis legalization in Michigan?

Kelley: First off, I have to say that I don’t smoke cannabis or drink alcohol. It’s not for me, but I feel everyone has the right to choose what they want to do. I respect the voters’ choice to legalize medical marijuana and to legalize adult use. I do use a CBD topical and know it works and is safer than opioids.

Q: How would you like to improve the legal cannabis program in Michigan?

Kelley: Well, according to the Michigan Constitution, food and prescriptions are not to be taxed. I believe that medical marijuana should be respected as a medicine and not be taxed because it is a medicine, for starters. I am concerned about how recreational use could encourage minors and stoned driving, and how it is marketed by big marijuana should be regulated.

Q: How has overregulation in general hurt the Michigan economy? 

Kelley: It is very important for the Michigan and national economy to keep jobs in all sectors moving forward. I support small business and think we need to find a balance. People are very concerned about gas prices, inflation, baby formula, and know that we can do better. [Washington,] D.C., politics is not looking at what is in the best interest of the Michigan economy. 

Q: How have protests, and subsequent arrests of protesters, at the state and national capitals been used as propaganda for the Democrats?

Kelley: Well, coming from the guy that was just arrested by the FBI on a misdemeanor charge and is the front-runner for the nomination, it’s obvious to many people that D.C. politics is trying to demonize anyone that stands up to protect the Constitution and the right to peacefully protest. I am a concerned citizen, not a criminal. I think deep down everyone knows what’s really going on. 

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