Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Malta Leads Cannabis Legalization in Europe


Malta Leads Cannabis Legalization in Europe 

by Ben Horner

In 2021, Malta became the first country in the European Union to legalize cannabis for adult use. The law allows citizens age 18 or older to possess up to 7 grams of cannabis and grow four plants at home, and keep up to 50 grams at home from their harvest. 

Since the passing of medical marijuana legislation in 2018, several Maltese companies have entered the cannabis space; however, the process of being selected for a license to produce is very cumbersome. 

Materia Malta, the leading medical cannabis distributor in Europe, has shipped medical cannabis products to Germany. This is the first such batch shipped outside of the country, Worldakkam reports. Materia GmbH, a subsidiary of the company, facilitated the shipment and is already selling the cannabis to German pharmacies, according to the report.

“We are proud to be a company that establishes a new frontier for the Maltese and European cannabis industry,” said Nick Pateras, managing director of Materia in Europe.

Similar to the various state laws in United States, each EU country has different marijuana laws, but there is an EU standard for hemp products like CBD that has allowed brands and logistics to form. Countries are allowed to import and export to reciprocal medical marijuana EU countries, unlike the U.S., which has yet to allow any non-hemp cannabis to cross state lines.

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