Thursday, February 2, 2023

Michigan News: Michigan Cannabis Product Holds Via Metrc

 In a recent bulletin, the Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) announced their excitement about a new function available to Metrc. Metrc is the seed to sale tracking system that monitors legal commercial cannabis in Michigan and many other states. Dispensaries, growers and processors will now receive an automatic email notification from Metrc when a package has been placed on “Administrative Hold.” 

In the past the CRA has put products on hold for various reasons. There was the joint-licking incident. There was the Viridis labs recall due to bad lab testing practices. There were multiple contaminated vape carts that hit the market before being recalled and destroyed. In those incidents, and others, consumers continued to get these products that were put on hold, because there was a lag in response time. 

Since the email will be sent to Metrc admins, it is recommended that—in order to ensure notifications are reaching the correct individuals—licensees periodically check that the correct contact information is listed for the Metrc admins. This new function is a result of the CRA trying to figure out how to make cannabis “safe” for consumers. Prior to the shift from a caregiver model to a state licensed system no person died or was seriously injured from ingesting marijuana. Cannabis dust in a commercial factory allegedly killed one exposed worker last year.

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