Thursday, February 2, 2023

State of the States: New York Takes a Bite out of the Green Apple

New York City, known for being a world hub and trendsetter, is finally catching up for a change.  While many states and local municipalities within them have already legalized cannabis sales not only on a medical level but also at a recreational level, New York City was set to open the first New York recreational dispensary just in time for New Year’s celebrations.

While 36 licenses have been approved, as of December 30, 2022, in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan, Housing Works Cannabis Co. was the first to open its doors promptly at 4:20 p.m. to a line that spanned for blocks, as eager New Yorkers waited to get their hands on the state’s first legally sold recreational cannabis products.

Having been open its first day from only 4:20-7:00 p.m., the dispensary with a staff of just under 15 served over 500 customers before closing its doors. The dispensary, according to multiple local news accounts, was still forced to turn away at least 150 disappointed customers. They were told by management to please come back the next morning.

So what can New Yorkers and its visitors expect to pay for their legal weed? Just like when purchasing a Big Mac in New York, tourists can expect to pay slightly higher costs than they might be used to. According to their website, Housing Works Cannabis Co. products run as follows:


Flower will cost the patron $40-$60 per eighth or $130 for a half ounce available in only a couple of strains. 

Pre-rolls will run $18-$40 for 1-gram to 2.5-gram singles and $50.00 for a pack of seven minis.

Edibles are sitting at a retail value of $30-$35 and vape pens are anywhere from $45-$95.

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