Wednesday, October 7, 2015

ROOM 111 - by Adam Brook

Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about

Well the names have all changed since you hung around

But those dreams have remained and they’ve turned around

Who’d have thought they’d lead ya

Back here where we need ya

Yeah we tease him a lot cause we got him on the spot

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back

...Thank you John Sebastian, and THANK YOU to Ben Horner for inviting me back to write a monthly for the MMM Report.

     Say what you want about the players involved, the weed scene here in Michigan is on the move. Now most of us see that as a good thing. Some think it should only happen this way or that. There are those of us who have the opinion that anything moving away from jail and prison is a move in the right direction, and a good thing. There are those (like myself) who follow the teachings of Jack Herer: “I don’t want to fucking give this United States government one fucking dollar of taxes…”
— Jack Herer, HASH BASH, April 3rd 2004

     We are never all going to agree on how it should be done. We ALL agree it SHOULD be done, and done NOW! We are never ALL going to be happy. Some of our lives will ACTUALLY get better. I am sure, unfortunately, some of us are going to run a foul of LEO, and have to pay the price...

     PLEASE remember this.........Things are so much better than when John Sinclair was arrested for those two joints. Or when Operation Green Merchant went down and scared the grow shop industry, or even when Eddy Lepp was sentenced on a 10 year mandatory minimum. BTW - FREE EDDY LEPP!

     Why do I say things are better? Because last month both NEWSWEEK and TIME had special editions (at the Price of like $12 each) with a POT leaf on the cover and the contents being all about the upcoming WEED markets... We have a long way to go but that’s ok because CHANGE is coming...

     That all being said.... It dawned on me that since I am barred from working in the upcoming legitimate cannabis industry I should offer myself as a spokesman for the BLACK MARKET. “Go with what you know” is what they say, right? So as you find flaws with the laws of the future, know that the BLACK MARKET will be there for you... more to come on that in the future.

     This will be a monthly column. I want your participation. Feel free to write me at or call/text 313-999-0329 with issues you would like me to address.

     I will also do some product review. I will only review products I endorse, I am not here to push products...

     There will also be a monthly contest emanating from this column each month. The prizes along with the winner will be listed in next months column..... the contest is only open to readers and NOT staff of this magazine. The winner of the contest is the first person who texts the correct answer to: 313-999-0329. There is no warranty or other bullshit implied. It’s a contest.... I make the rules. They will be fair.

All you need is the correct answer to this question:
Who introduced The Jackson 5 to Motown?


Adam L. Brook


FB: adamlbrook

Twitter: @mrhashbash