Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Taxes? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Taxes! - by Daniel L. Price, Esq.

     It is here again…the political season.  There are a number of proposals for which various groups are attempting to obtain signatures in order to have a vote for the legalization of marijuana in Michigan.  I do not know, nor do I have any connection with, any of these groups or their proposals.  However, since these proposals are about marijuana, and this is an article about marijuana and the law, I thought I might make this month’s article about the legalization of marijuana.

     If you are a reader of this article, you already know that I advocate for everyone’s right to self-determination (“freedom”), period.  In our state and in our country there are those who desire nothing more than to take our freedom from us.  After all, that is why there are laws against ingesting a naturally growing plant that provides medicinal relief for pain as well as many other physical ailments, with little to no side effects.  Yet, at the same time, currently “legal” prescription medications are known to cause severe addiction, can maim and slowly kill.  As a result, I am all for the legalization of marijuana, because it recognizes and furthers our freedom. 

     It is true, it would also save many people from the harmful side-effects, addictions, and sometimes death caused by “legally” prescribed toxic medications.  However, it is our freedom that is the most important issue.  Because of this, the issue of marijuana legalization is the issue of our freedom.  As a result, which particular petition is passed is also very important because, while a vote to legalize marijuana could further our freedom, it has the potential to further destroy our freedom.  So, whether any proposal furthers or destroys our freedom depends upon what else is included in the particular proposal.

     For instance, would you vote for the destruction of your right to self-determination so long as you can ingest marijuana?  Would you say to government actors, “please let me ingest marijuana without fear of prosecution, I promise I will let you make me your servant and provide for your desires and needs, just let me ingest marijuana”.  If your answer to those two questions is “Hell No!”, then you may wish to really think about any proposals for the legalization of marijuana before you vote. 

     Let me explain.  If a proposal would legalize marijuana, and do nothing else, then it is a proposal which advocates for, and would further our freedom.  This is because the right to self-determination also includes the right to ingest whatever one wishes to ingest.  However, if a proposal would legalize marijuana, and also tax marijuana, then that poses a serious threat to our freedom.  This is so because advocating legalization and at the same time taxation of marijuana, affirms that you do not have a “right” to ingest...a “right” to be free.  But worse, it also affirms that you do not have any rights, but that you only have privileges allowed by government actors’.  And more, that you can only obtain these privileges by giving them permission to force you to provide for their desires and needs.

       Now, ask yourself again, would you say to a government actor, “please let me ingest marijuana without fear of prosecution, I promise I will let you make me your servant and provide for your desires and needs, just let me ingest marijuana”.  If your answer is still “Hell No!”, then you might wish to really think about voting for any proposal that taxes marijuana, in exchange for legalizing it.  In fact, it just might boil down to either voting for legalization and the further destruction of freedom now, or waiting to vote for the legalization of marijuana and our freedom at a later date.  If it does come down to this, you may wish to wait until a proposal that supports freedom, rather than denies freedom, is put before the voters, before you vote to legalize marijuana.

     We do live in a society in which government actors are constantly trying to rob us of our rights.  But also in our society there are many people who claim to support, but are actually destroying, our freedom.  This may be due to a lack of understanding.  It may also be done by design.  However, it does not matter why, or how it happens, it is still the destruction of freedom.  This is why I always say that if we do not consistently assert the right to self-determination for all, even those with whom we do not agree, our own freedom will be destroyed.  On the issue of voting for the legalization of marijuana, asserting your right to your freedom can only be done by voting for the legalization of marijuana, without also voting for any form of taxation. Till next month, by all means, keep rolling on.

Disclaimer:  This is an informational article only.  It is not to provide individual legal advice.  If you need legal services, feel free to contact me, or any attorney of your choosing.